KLOPPENBORG, Ria (Maria Anna Geertruida Theresia Kl.). Utrecht 8.3.1945 — Utrecht 4.10.2003. Dutch Indologist and Scholar of Religion. From 1963 studies of law, but soon of Indology and Buddhism at Leiden and Utrecht. M.A. 1970. Ph.D. 1974 Utrecht (Gonda). From 1970 taught Indian religions at Department of Religion in Utrecht…

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HELTEN, Willem Lodewijk van

HELTEN, Willem Lodewijk van. Hedel (Gelderland) 30.8.1849 — ’s-Gravenhage 16.3.1917. Dutch Linguist. Educated in Leiden and Rotterdam. in 1865-71 studies at Leiden (probably learned Sanskrit from Kern). Ph.D. 1871 Leiden (diss. on Dutch). In 1870-82 school-teacher of Dutch in Tiele and Rotterdam. From 1882 Professor of Dutch language and literature…

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SPEYER, Jacob Samuel

SPEYER, Jacob Samuel (Speijer). Amsterdam 20.12.1849 — Leiden 1.11.1913. Dutch Indologist. Professor in Amsterdam, Groningen and Leiden. Born in a Jewish family, son of the elder J. S. Sp. and Elizabet Calisch. Educated in Amsterdam, studied classics at Athenaeum there, then Sanskrit at Leiden (under Kern). Ph.D. 1872 Leiden. In 1873-79…

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KERN, Johan Hendrik

KERN, Johan Hendrik. Leiden 24.1.1867 — Leiden 19.12.1933. Dutch Linguist. Son of —> Hendrik Kern (1833–1917) and Annette Moïse de Chateleux. From 1886 studies at Leiden, Tübingen (Sievers) and Leipzig (Leskien). Ph.D. 1891 Leiden. PD of Slavic Languages 1899 Leiden. Soon Professor of English (1901), Russian and Sanskrit (1904) at…

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HUIZINGA, Johan. Groningen 7.12.1872 — De Steeg, Gelderland 1.2.1945. Dutch Student of Indology, then Famous Historian. Professor in Leiden. Son of Dirk H., a Professor of Physiology, and Jacoba Tonkens, who died when he was 2. After school in Groningen studies there in 1891-97, also Indology at Leipzig. Ph.D. 1897…

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HARTING, Peter (Pieter Nicolaus Ubbo). Batavia (Jakarta) 15.1.1892 — Amsterdam 11.8.1970. Dutch Indologist and Linguist (English). After Gymnasium in Amersfoort studied at Utrecht (1918 M.A. in Dutch), in Indology student of Caland. Ph.D. 1922 Utrecht. In 1920-23 Reader in Dutch at University of London, also at Bedford College for Women,…

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ENTWISTLE, Alan William. Weymouth, Dorsett 10.3.1949 — Seattle 28.3.1996. British Indologist in the U.S.A. Professor in Seattle. Studies at University of Southampton (B.A. 1971 in French) and S.O.A.S. (M.A. 1975 in Area Studies). In 1976-78 field-work in Vrindaban, India. Ph.D. 1982 S.O.A.S. in Hindi (under J. C. Wright). Taught and…

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