SCHERZL, Vincenz (Vikentij Ivanovič Šercl’)

SCHERZL, Vincenz (Vikentij Ivanovič Šercl, Čeněk Šercl’). Beroun, Bohemia (Czech) 28.9.1843 — Ljubljana 4.12.1906. Czech Indologist and IE Scholar in Ukraina and Russia. Professor in Har’kov (Har’kiv) and Odessa. Educated in Prague, in 1861-64 studied law at Prague, but used much time for learning languages. In 1866-67 studies of Chinese,…

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SCHERZL, Richard (Ričard Ivanovič Šercl)

SCHERZL, Richard (Ričard Ivanovič Šercl’). Prague 19.9.1850 — after 1914. Czech Scholar in Ukraina. Younger brother of —> V. I. Scherzl. School and 1868-72 studies of classical philology at Prague, in 1872-74 Slavic at St.Petersburg. Worked as teacher moving to Docent Harkov (Harkiv), where his brother was living. Completed his degree…

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RITTER, Pavlo Grigorovič

RITTER, Pavlo Grigorovič (Russian Pavel Grigor’evič Ritter). Čutove, Poltava obl. 5.4.1872 — 17.4.1939. Ukrainian Indologist, Literary Historian, Critic, etc. Professor in Harkiv. Son of the manager of a landed estate. Studies at Harkiv under Ovsjaniko-Kulikovskij, mainly Slavic, but also Sanskrit. Graduated 1894. Further studies of Sanskrit in 1895-96 under Geldner in…

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OVSJANIKO-KULIKOVSKIJ, Dmitrij Nikolaevič (Ukr. Dmitro Mikolajovič O.-K.). Kahovka, Tavrida guv. 23.1.(4.2.)1853 — Odessa 9.10.1920. Ukrainian Linguist, Indologist and Critic. Professor in Harkiv (Kharkiv), Academician in St.Petersburg. Born in a noble family, son of Nikolaj Nikolaevič O.-K. and Varvara Nikolaevna Rud’. After gymnasium in Simferopol studies of Sanskrit and linguistics in…

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DORN, Bernhard von

DORN, Johann Albrecht Bernhard (Boris Andreevič) von. Scheuerfeld bei Koburg 11.5.1805 — St.Petersburg 19.5.(31.5.)1881. German Oriental (Iranian) Scholar in Russia. Son of Heinrich Wilhelm D., a minister, and Susanna Friederike Bühl. Gymnasium in Coburg. Studies from 1822, first Theology, soon Oriental languages, at Halle and Leipzig. Ph.D. and PD (diss.…

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DILLON, Emile Joseph [in French also used E. de Dillon]. Dublin 21.3.1855 (or 1854?) — Barcelona 9.6.1933. British Linguist and Journalist. Son of Irish father and English mother. Originally trained for priesthood, studied at Clonliffe College Dublin, Pantasaph monastery, Wales, Seminary of St.Sulpice, France, and Paulist College, New York. When…

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