JETTMAR, Karl Josef. Vienna 8.8.1918 — Heidelberg 28.3.2002. Austrian Anthropologist in Germany, famous Specialist of North Pakistan. Son of Rudolf J. (1869–1939), an Art Nouveau painter, and Maria Mayer, grew up in Vienna. Roman Catholic.  Began studies of history and German at Vienna in 1936, soon turned to anthropology (i.a. under…

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SÜTTERLIN, Ludwig. Heidelberg 16.11.1863 — Freiburg i. Br. 3.4.1934. German Linguist. Son of Johann Georg S., railway official, and Barbara Römmig.  Studies at Heidelberg (Osthoff) and Leipzig. Ph.D. 1887 Heidelberg (diss. on Germanic). In 1888-1913 worked as gymnasium teacher. PD 1890 Heidelberg, from 1896 ao. Professor für Germanistik there. In 1913…

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LANCZKOWSKI, Günter. Kassel 18.5.1917 — Heidelberg 1.8.1993. German Scholar of Religion. Matriculated 1937 and began studies at Marburg, but was 1939 taken to army. Participated in WW II and was war prisoner. In 1946 continued his studies. Ph.D. 1947 Marburg. Further studies at Göttingen. In 1960-67 Docent (hab.diss. on Egypt)…

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SONTHEIMER, Günther-Dietz

SONTHEIMER, Günther-Dietz. Ulm 21.4.1934 — Dossenheim bei Heidelberg 2.6.1992. German Indologist, Specialist of Law, Popular Religion and Marathi. Professor in Heidelberg. Son of Dr. Walther S., teacher and schooldirector, and Herma Dietz. During the war living in mother’s home area, in the former Prussian Posen. In 1945-53 Gymnasium in Stuttgart.…

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SCHERER, Anton. Munich 31.8.1901 — Heidelberg 7.5.1981. German IE Scholar. Professor in Heidelberg. Son of an artisan, educated at Maxgymnasium in Munich. Studied IE, Greek, German, Egyptology and juridics at Munich, under Herbig, Kieckers, Sommer, et al. Ph.D. 1932 Munich (in Greek). In 1932-48 schoolteacher. PD 1947 Munich. In 1948-51…

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WILKEN, Friedrich

WILKEN, Friedrich. Ratzeburg, Holstein 23.5.1777 — Berlin 24.12.1840. German Historian and Oriental Scholar. Professor in Heidelberg and Berlin. Of modest origin, son of Christian Erich and Sophie Wilken. Studies of theology and history at Göttingen, also Oriental languages under J. G. Eichhorn. Ph.D. 1803. From 1805 ao. Professor of History…

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WALLESER, Max Gebhard Lebrecht

WALLESER, Max Gebhard Lebrecht. Mannheim 18.6.1874 — Wiesloch (Baden) 15.4.1954. German Indologist, specialist of Buddhism. Professor in Heidelberg. Son of a schoolteacher (gymn.professor) Jacob Martin W. and Maria Magdalene Lend.Gymnasium in Mannheim.From 1891 studies at Heidelberg, Freiburg i. Br. and Geneva. In 1895/96 passed the Staatsexamen and started working as…

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RAU, Heimo

RAU, Heimo. Breslau 30.12.1912 — Filderstadt, Kr. Esslingen, Baden-Württemberg 30.12.1993. German Art Historian and Indologist. Long time in India. Son of Stadtbaurat Ernst Rau and Hedwig Czeschka (of Austria), both Steinerians. Studies of art history, archaeology and Indology at Vienna. In 1933 Assistant at excavations at Feistritz-Pulst in Carinthia. Ph.D.…

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ZIMMER, Heinrich Robert

ZIMMER, Heinrich Robert. Greifswald 6.12.1890 — New Rochelle, N.Y. 20.3.1943. German Indologist in the U.S.A. Professor in Heidelberg and New York. Son of —> Heinrich Z. the elder. Matriculated in Berlin in 1909, then studied Hebrew, Germanistics, art history and soon Indology (Lüders) at Berlin. Ph.D. 1914 Berlin. He was taken…

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OSTHOFF, Hermann

OSTHOFF, Caspar Carl Heinrich Gottfried Emil Franz Hermann. Billmerich, Westfalen 18.4.1847 — Heidelberg 7.5.1907. German IE Scholar. Professor in Heidelberg. Son of Franz Osthoff, an estate owner, and Lisette Theodore Birnberg. Gymnasium in Gütersloh. Studies of Classics and Sanskrit at Bonn (Gildemeister), then at Tübingen (Roth) and Berlin (Weber). Ph.D.…

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