KÖLVER, Bernhard

KÖLVER, Bernhard. Ründeroth near Köln 2.4.1938 — Leipzig 27.11.2001. German Indologist. Professor in Köln, Kiel and Leipzig. Son of a gymnasium teacher, who Participated in WW II and died soon after his return from captivity. Educated in Wertheim, Gummersbach und Fort Myers (Florida). From 1956 studies linguistics, Anglistics, Germanistics and…

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SCHRADER, Friedrich O.

SCHRADER, Friedrich Otto. Hamburg 19.3.1876 — Kiel 3.11.1961. German Indologist. Professor in Kiel. Son of a judge, educated in Hamburg. Following father’s wishes he worked in business in 1892-95, but continued then studies privately (matriculation 1897 from Hamburg). In 1897-1902 studied Indology at Göttingen (Kielhorn), Strassburg (Leumann) and Kiel. Ph.D.…

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STRAUSS, Otto. Berlin 18.10.1881 — Bloemendaal, Netherlands 20.10.1940. German Indologist. Professor in Breslau. Son of a banker. Studied Indology, philosophy and art history at Munich, Berlin and especially Kiel (Oldenberg, Deussen). From Deussen got the interest in Indian philosophy. Ph.D. 1905 Kiel (under Oldenberg). PD 1911 Kiel. From 1913 Professor…

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PISCHEL, Richard

PISCHEL, Richard. Breslau 18.1.1849 — Madras 26.12.1908. German Indologist. Professor in Kiel, Halle and Berlin. Son of Ernst Gottfried P., a manufacturer of surgical instruments, and Emilie Haertel (d. 1857). After school in Breslau studied Sanskrit (under Stenzler) and classical philology at Breslau. Ph.D. 1870 Breslau. After war service further…

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OLSHAUSEN, Justus. Hohenfelde, Holstein 9.5.1800 — Berlin 28.12.1882. German Oriental Scholar and Theologian. Professor in Kiel and Königsberg. Son of Rev. (later Superintendent) Detlev O., younger brother of theologian Hermann O. (1796–1839). After school in Glückstadt, studied in 1816-19 at Kiel and 1819-20 at Berlin theology and Oriental languages, then…

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OLDENBERG, Hermann. Hamburg 31.10.1854 — Göttingen 18.3.1920. German Indologist. Professor in Kiel and Göttingen. Son of Friedrich O., a minister, and Eleonore Sieveking (d. 1854). Gymnasium in Berlin. Began his studies at Göttingen, soonat Berlin: classical philology and Indology (under Weber). Ph.D. 1875 Berlin. From 1878 PD at Berlin. In…

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KLAEBER, Frederick (Friedrich)

KLAEBER, Frederick (Friedrich). Beetzendorf, Preussen 1.10.1863 — Bad Kösen, D.D.R. 4.10.1954. German Linguist in the U.S.A. Son of Hermann and Luise Kl. Studies at Leipzig, Halle, Kiel, and Berlin. Ph.D. 1892 Berlin. In 1893 emigrated to the U.S.A. At University of Minnesota: 1893-96 Instructor of Old and Middle English, 1896-98…

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HOFMANN, Erich. Mühlhausen, Thüringen 4.3.1895 — Kiel 7.11.1982. German IE Linguist. Professor in Kiel. Son of a school director, educated in Görlitz and Wiesbaden. In 1913-22 studies of classics and comparative linguistics at Göttingen (but in 1914-19 in military service). Ph.D. 1922 Göttingen, 1923-25 further studies of Slavic and Balkanology…

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JOHANNSEN, Carl Theodor

JOHANNSEN, Carl Theodor. Nortorf, Holstein 8.11.1804 — Copenhagen 1.7.1840. Danish Oriental Scholar. Professor in Copenhagen. Son of a teacher, Johann J., and Catharina Kroymann, educated in Glückstadt. Studies of classical and Oriental languages at Kiel and Bonn. Ph.D. 1828 Bonn. Further studies in Paris, in 1830-31 Docent of Oriental Languages…

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JACOBI, Hermann

JACOBI, Hermann Georg. Köln 11.2.1850 (or 1.2.?) — Bonn 19.10.1937. German Indologist. Professor in Bonn. Son of a steam mill owner, Friedrich Heinrich Otto J. (1803–1880) and Caroline Zeiz. Roman Catholic, educated in Köln. From 1868 studies of mathematics at Berlin, switched soon to Sanskrit and IE. Through Weber he…

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