SCHIMMEL, Annemarie

SCHIMMEL, Annemarie. Erfurt 7.4.1922 — Bonn 26.1.2003. German Oriental Scholar in the U.S.A., a Specialist of Islamic South Asia. Professor in Bonn and Harvard. Daughter of Paul Sch. and Anna Ulfers. From 1939 studies at Berlin ( under H. H. Schaeder). Ph.D. as early as 1941 Berlin, in Arabic and…

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RÖSSING, Hans. 1929 — 7.1.2001 (when 71). German Linguist (Celtologist). Ph.D. PD, from 1968 Professor of comparative linguistics at Marburg, retired 1995. Publications: Wrote on Celtology. Sources:

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STEGMANN VON PRITZWALD, Kurt Friedrich Woldemar. Wenden/Livland (now Cēsis in Latvia) 12.6.1901 — Rottenburg/Neckar 21.12.1962. German (of Livonia) IE Linguist. Professor in Marburg. Son of Friedrich Percival St. v. Pr. and Alice Neander. Educated in Riga (until 1918), Stettin and Meiningen. Participated as German voluntary in post-WW warfare in Baltia. In…

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WEISGERBER, Johann Leo. Metz 25.2.1899 — Bonn 8.8.1985. German (of Lorraine) Linguist and Celtologist. Son of a village teacher, Nikolaus Ludwig W., and Maria Müller, educated in Metz. Participated in WW I in German army, then studies at Bonn. Ph.D. 1923 Bonn (in Celtology under Thurneysen). PD 1925 Bonn. Professor…

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RAU, Wilhelm

RAU, Adolf Wilhelm Ludwig. Gera 15.2.1922 — Gera 29.12.1999. German Indologist. Professor in Marburg. Son of Rudolf Rau, a schoolteacher, and Johanna Seifarth, gymnasium in Gera. Began with Sanskrit already when 15. From 1940 studies at Leipzig under Fr. Weller, soon interrupted by service as interpreter for the Indian Legion…

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THUMB, Albert

THUMB, Albert Joseph Gustav. Freiburg im Br. 18.5.1865 — Freiburg i. Br. 14.8.1915. German IE, Greek and Sanskrit Scholar. Professor in Freiburg i. Br., Marburg and Strassburg. Son of Albert Alois Thumb, an architect, and Ida Schanzenbach. Gymnasium in Freiburg. From 1884 studies at Freiburg (Brugmann), Heidelberg (Osthoff) and Leipzig…

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OTTO, Rudolf

OTTO, Rudolf Louis Karl. Peine, Hannover 25.9.1869 — Marburg 6.3.1937. German Lutheran Theologian and Scholar of Religion. Professor in Marburg. Son of Wilhelm Otto, a factory owner, and Katharine Reupke, lost his father in the age of 12. Matriculated 1888 from Hildesheim, studied theology at Erlangen and Göttingen. Lic. theol.…

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NOBEL, Johannes

NOBEL, Julius Adolf Johannes. Forst/Lausitz 25.6.1887 — Wehrda bei Marburg 22.10.1960. German Indologist and Buddhist Scholar. Professor in Marburg. Son of a clerc, Oskar N., and Elisabeth Teichert. Educated in Fulda, became early interested in Latin, Greek and Hebrew. The parents wished of him a Roman Catholic priest, but in…

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HEILER, Friedrich

HEILER, Johann Friedrich. Munich 30.1.1892 — Munich 28.4.1967 (N.D.B., Wikipedia has 18.4.). German Scholar of Comparative Religion. Professor in Marburg. Born in a Catholic family, son of Johann H., a teacher, and Anna Schilling. From 1911 studies of history of religion, theology, philosophy and Oriental languages at Munich, including Akkadian and…

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JUSTI, Ferdinand

JUSTI, Ferdinand Wilhelm Jakob. Marburg 2.6.1837 — Marburg 17.2.1907. German Iranian and IE Scholar. Professor in Marburg. Son of a minister, Wilhelm J., and Friederike Ruppersberg, grandson of Karl Wilhelm J. (1767-1846), Professor of Philosophy and Theology at Marburg. In 1856-59 studies at Marburg (under Gildemeister), then 1859-60 at Göttingen…

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