LACOMBE, Olivier

LACOMBE, Olivier Auguste. Liège 2.7.1904 — Neuilly-sur-Seine 2.7.2001. French Indologist. Professor in Lille and Paris. Son of engineer, born in Belgium in French family. Educated at Lycée concordet and École Normale Supérieure in Paris. Agrégé de philosophie 1928 and docteur-ès-lettres 1939. In 1939-44 Director of Institute of Philosophy, Faculty of Letters,…

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BUGAULT, Guy. St.Coulomb, Brittany 17.7.1917 — Le Reincy (Seine-Saint Denis) 27.10.2002. French Indologist. Student of Lacombe. Taught at Université de Paris-X-Nanterre, then Professor of Indian and Comparative Philosophy at Paris IV (Sorbonne), retired. Specialist of Indian philosophy, especially Buddhist. Publications: Diss. Le Vijnānavāda selon Paramārtha, d’après la trad. commentée et…

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BOUGLÉ, Célestin

BOUGLÉ, Célestin Charles Alfred. Saint-Brieuc (Côtes-du-Nord, now Côtes-d’Armor) 1.6.1870 — Paris 25.1.1940. French Philosopher and Sociologist. Studies at École normale supérieure, agrégé in philosophy 1893. Ph.D. 1899. Taught at lycée in Saint-Brieuc, in the universities of Montpellier (1898-1900), and Toulouse, from 1909 at Sorbonne, 1919 as Professor of Social Economy. From…

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CHANTRAINE, Pierre Louis. Lille 15.9.1899 — Paris 30.6.1974. French Classical (Greek) Scholar and Linguist also interested in India. Professor in Paris. Son of a classical scholar. Educated in Cambrai, studies in Paris and Lille (Ernout), in 1922–25 again in Paris (Meillet, also Vendryes, Bloch, P. Mazon). Ph.D. 1927. In 1925–28…

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THORNER, Daniel. New York 1915 — Paris 18.6.1974. U.S. Economist and Historian of South Asian Economy in India and France. Studies of history at Columbia, during war served in the Office of Strategic Services. At the end of WW II to India to complete his dissertation. For a while (1949-52)…

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STERNBACH, Ludwik. Cracow 12.12.1910 — Paris 25.3.1981. Polish Indologist. Son of Edward St. and Clara Amster, a Jewish family. From 1927 studied law at Cracow, dr.iuris 1931. LL.D. 1933. Also studied Indology at Lwów (under Stasiak) and Cracow (Willman-Grabowska, 1933-38 her Assistant). Ph.D. 1938. In 1936-39 also practised law as…

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STCHOUPAK, Nadine (née Nadežda Oseevna Steinberg). Vilna (now Vilnius in Lithuania) 10.2.1886 — Paris 30.11.1941. Russian (Lithuanian Jewish) Indologist in France. Daughter of Osiah Steinberg, a gymnasium professor and Hebraist, and her wife, the daughter of Rimski-Korsakov. Studied History at St.Petersburg University, also Sanskrit under Ol’denburg. With her future husband…

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WILLMAN-GRABOWSKA, Helena Antonina Maria. Warsaw 4.1.1870 — Cracow 31.10.1957. Polish Indologist. Professor in Krakow. Daughter of Józef Grabowski and Elżbieta Lipińska. After school in Warsaw she became a schoolteacher in 1887 (when 17). Soon active in anti-Russian movement. Women were then not allowed to the university, but she studied privately…

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RENOU, Louis

RENOU, Louis Marie Joseph. Paris 28.10.1896 — Vernon (Eure) 18.8.1966. French Indologist. Professor in Paris. School and studies in Paris. The WW I interrupted his studies and he had to spend two years as prisoner of war. After the war he continued Indology under Lévi (also Meillet, Bloch and Foucher)…

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REHATSEK, Edward (Ede). Illack (now Ilok in Croatia) 3.7.1819 — Bombay 11.12.1891. Hungarian Oriental Scholar in India. Son of the forest inspector of princess Odescalchi, educated in Budapest and graduated as civil engineer from Budapest University. Leaving Hungary in 1842 he spent four months in Paris and four years in the…

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