JEDLIČKA, Jaromír. Prague 11.10.1869 — Zinnowitz, Usedom 14.8.1901. Czech Student of IE Linguistics. Studies at Charles University in Prague under Zubatý, Ph.D. there 1893/94. Then worked in the university library. Publications: Diss. O zvláštnim případu parallelismu suffixu v jazycích indoevropských. Prague 1893/94. – Collaborated in the Czech encyclopedia Ottův slovník…

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GEBAUER, Jan. Úbislavice (Auslauf) near Nová Paka 8.10.1838 — Prague 25.5.1907. Czech Slavic and IE Linguist. Professor of Slavic Philology at Charles University in Prague. Born in a poor family with German father in a small village, sent by local vicar to high school in Jičín. At university soon switched…

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GAMPERT, Vilem (Wilhelm)

GAMPERT, Vilém (Wilhelm). Prague 29.6.1902 — Prague 14.3.1987. Czech Indologist. Studied Indology at German University of Prague under Winternitz and O. Stein. Ph.D. there 1928. From 1929 worked in university library, in 1939-45 in German army. In 1945-78 he was a scientific worker at Oriental Institute of the Charles University…

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FRIŠ, Oldřich

FRIŠ, Oldřich. Boskovice (Moravia) 7.5.1903 — Prague 14.1.1955. Czech Indologist. Professor in Prague. Born in a poor family as one of 12 children, son of Maximilián Friš and his wife Hermina. Matriculated from Boskovice in 1922. Studies at Charles University in Prague in 1922-27, in the first place Classical and…

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CURTIUS, Georg. Lübeck 16.4.1820 — Hermsdorf bei Warmbrunn in Silesia (now Sobieszów, Poland) 12.8.1885. German Indo-Europaean and Classical scholar. Son of Carl Georg C. (1771-1857; Syndikus of Lübeck) and Dorothea Plessing (1783-1851), younger brother the famous classical archaeologist of Ernst C. (1814-96). After Gymnasium in Lübeck studied classical and IE philology…

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BERNEKER, Erich. Königsberg 3.2.1874 — Munich 15/20.3.1937. German Linguist, mainly Slavic, but also IE Scholar. Professor in Munich. Son of bank director Richard B. and Johanna Glum. Studies of Germanic at Freiburg i.Br. and of Slavic at Leipzig and Moscow. Ph.D. 1895 (under Leskien) and PD 1899 Berlin. In 1896-99…

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