GROHMA, Otto. Vienna 4.3.1943 — Paris 4.9.1974. Austrian Indologist. After matriculation in 1962 in Vienna studied there Indology and classical archaeology. Ph.D. 1971 Vienna. From 1972 Assistant at Indological Institute in Vienna. Died suddenly during a visit to Paris, a habilitation dissertation on Vallabha’s Nyāyalīlāvatī remained unfinished. Publications: Diss. Die…

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GÖBL, Robert

GÖBL, Robert. Vienna 4.8.1919 — Vienna 8.12.1997. Austrian Numismatist. Professor in Vienna. After gymnasium joined Wehrmacht 1938, participated in the WW II, then war prisoner until 1947. From 1948 studies of ancient history and classical archaeology at Vienna. Ph.D. 1950 (diss. on Roman numismatics, under K. Pink). PD at Vienna…

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GEIGER, Bernhard

GEIGER, Bernhard. Bielitz-Biala in Austrian Silesia (now Polish Bielsko) 30.4.1881 — New York 5.7.1964. Austrian Indo-Iranian Scholar, later in the U.S.A. Professor in Vienna and New York. Son of Chiel G., a Jewish tailor who moved in 1902 to the U.S.A. School and gymnasium in Biala. Studies of Semitics, Iranian and…

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FÜRER-HAIMENDORF, Christoph(er) von. Vienna 27.6.1909 — London 11.6.1995. Austrian Anthropologist in the U.K. Professor in London. Son of Rudolf Fürer von H., an Austrian civil servant, of an ancient German family of nobility. Educated at Theresianische Akademie of Vienna University and studied anthropology and archaeology. Student of W. Schmidt, Koppers,…

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FRAUWALLNER, Erich. Wien-Währing 28.12.1898 — Vienna 5.7.1974. Austrian Indologist and Tibetan Scholar. Professor in Vienna. Son of the financial secretary (later wirkl. Hofrath) Friedrich Fr. and Maria Barbara Riedler. School in Vienna. In 1915 started learning Sanskrit still as a schoolboy. In 1916 to army, served two and a half…

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BÜHLER, Johann Georg. Borstel bei Nienburg (Hannover) 19.7.1837 — Bodensee 8.4.1898. German Indologist in India (1863-80) and Austria. Professor in Vienna. Son of Rev. Johann Georg B. and Charlotte Elisabeth Hagemann. Educated in Hannover, where he had among his teachers the philologists Ahrens and Kühner. In 1855 he came to…

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BOLLER, Johann Anton. Krems an der Donau 2.1.1811 — Vienna 19.1.1869. Austrian Linguist interested in Sanskrit. Professor in Vienna. Studied first medicine, but turned soon to philology, but never completed his Ph.D. Learned Sanskrit from books. From 1845 PD in Sanskrit at Vienna and from 1848 correspondant member of Austrian…

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BLEICHSTEINER, Robert. Vienna 6.1.1891 — Vienna 10.4.1954. Austrian Linguist, Scholar of Iranian and Caucasian Languages and Ethnology, later also of Mongolian and Tibetan.  Son of Josef Ludwig Bl. School and studies in Vienna. Ph.D. 1913 Vienna, then worked in a library. From 1922 PD for Caucasian Linguistics there, tit. ao.…

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BICKELL, Gustav Wilhelm Hugo. Kassel 7.7.1838 — Vienna 25.1.1906. German Oriental (Semitic) Scholar in Austria. Son of Johann Wilhelm B., Professor of Canonical Law. Studies of theology and philology at Marburg and Halle, Ph.D. 1862 Marburg, from the same year PD für semitische und indogermanische Sprachen there, also taught at…

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BANNERTH, Ernst. Eilenburg, Sachsen 13.10.1895 — Cairo 29.4.1976. German Urdu and Islamic Scholar and Catholic priest. Educated in Leipzig, 1913 became professional officer and 1916 sent to Near East. British war prisoner 1917-20 in India, then joined Benedictines and studied theology at Vienna. Ordained 1930. Dr.theol. 1941 Vienna. Worked as…

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