LONGHENA, Mario. Parma 24.5.1876 — Bologna 25.2.1967. Italian Politician interested in India and Iran. Son of Paolo L., who as a Garibaldian had great economical difficulties. Studies at Bologna. Teacher (professor) in Agrigento, then at R. Ginnasio Marco Minghetti in Bologna. As socialist active in politics, he was forced to…

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LINSCHOTEN, Jan Huyghen van

LINSCHOTEN, Jan Huyghen van (born Jan Huygen). Haarlem 1563 — Enkhuizen 8.2.1611. Dutch Traveller. Born in a Roman Catholic family, son of a public notary, Huig Joostenszoon and Marretje Tin Henriksdachter. Grew up in Utrecht, then was sent to Spain in 1679 in the age of 16 in order to…

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LEWIS, James (pseudonym Charles Masson)

LEWIS, James (pseudonym Charles Masson). Aldermanbury (London) 16.2.1800 — Edmonton, Middlesex 5.11.1853. British pioneer of Archæology in Afghanistan. Son of oil dealer George Lewis and Mary Hopcraft, apparently had a good education. Served in E. I. Company’s army, from 1821 in Bengal Artillery, soon after participation in the siege of…

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LE GENTIL DE LA GALAISSIÈRE, Guillaume-Joseph-Hyacinthe-Jean-Baptiste. Coutances (Manche) 12.9.1725 — Paris 22.10.1792. French Astronomer and Traveller, in India 1768–71. Instead of the planned career in church, but turned to astronomy. Left for India in 1760 in order to observe the transit of Venus in 1761, but missed the occasion because…

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LEBEDEV, Gerasim Stepanovič

LEBEDEV, Gerasim Stepanovič (Herasim Lebedeff). Jaroslavl 1749 (not 1746) — St.Petersburg 15.7.(27.7.)1817. Russian Musician, Traveller and Pioneer of Indology. Son of Stepan L. and his wife Paraskov’a. Father was a poor Orthodox clergyman, who did not allow him to obtain higher education. The family moved to St.Petersburg, where he studied…

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KNOX, Robert

KNOX, Robert. London 8.2.1641 — Wimbledon, London 19.6.1720. British (Scottish) Traveller. In South Asia in 1657-94 (1659-79 prisoner in Ceylon). Son of Robert Knox, a Puritan and commander in E.I.C.’s service. Grew up in Wimbledon, Surrey. After mother’s death sailed with his father in January 1657 to Fort George. On…

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KEPHALAS, Nikolaos

KEPHALAS, Nikolaos (Nicola Chiefala; Νικόλαος Κεφαλᾶς). Zakynthos 1763 or 1770 — Constaninople 1847 or Thessaloniki 1850. Greek Traveller in India. Born in a noble, but poor family in Zakynthos, Ionian Islands, then Venetian domain. Captain, participated in the Greek revolution from its very beginning (but also said to have been…

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HOUTMAN, Frederick de

HOUTMAN, Frederick de. Gouda 1571 — Alkmaar 21.10.1627. Dutch Traveller. Son of Pieter Cornelisz de H., a brewer, and Agnes Frederiksd., younger brother of —> C. de H. and his companion in Lisbon and in Asian voyages. When the brother was killed he remained alive and was 26 months kept…

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HOUTMAN, Cornelis de

HOUTMAN, Cornelis de. Gouda 2.4.1565 —off Acheh 1.9.1599. Dutch Traveller in India. Son of Pieter Cornelisz de H., a brewer, and Agnes Frederiksd., elder brother of —> Fr. de H. With his brother remained in 1592-93 as merchant in Lisbon, spying on Asian trade for an Amsterdam company. They were…

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HERBERT, Thomas. York 1606 — York 1.3.1682. Sir, First Baronet. British Traveller in Persia and India. Son of Christopher H., a merchant, and Jane Akroyd, of a Yorkshire family related to the Earls of Pembroke. Perhaps studied at both Oxford and Cambridge. In 1627 he joined the suite of Sir…

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