BUDMANI, Petar (Pero). Dubrovnik 27.10.1835 — Castelferretti near Ancona 27.12.1914. Croatian Serb Slavic Linguist. Son of sea captain Vlad B. and Ana-Marija Stula, educated in Dubrovnik. From 1853 studied Sanskrit and several other subjects at Vienna University (without degree). In 1861 married Emilia (Mile) Lopižić (11 children) and returned to Dubrovnik. In 1868-82 Professor at Dubrovnik Gymnasium. Active in Serb Catholic Movement there. Stayed also much in Italy, where he had a house near Ancona. In 1883 he moved to Zagreb, where he worked 24 years, till 1904, as the redactor of the great Serbo-Croatian dictionary. In 1907 retired to Italy. He knew many languages and made the first direct translations from Sanskrit to Croatian.

Publications: A Serbo-Croatian grammar in Italian. Vienna 1866-67; a Russian grammar 1888.

Translated from Sanskrit: Pet priporjedaka. Dubrovnik 1865 (5 tales from the Pañcatantra); “Sakuntala. Indijska drama. Spjevao Kalidas”, Slovinac 1879, 3-22.

Edited vols. 2-6 of the Serbo-Croatian dictionary published by JAZU, Zagreb 1883-1904; edited Croatian texts of the renaissance period.

Sources: O. Ligorio, “P.B., the Indologist”, I. Andrijanić (ed.), Croatian-Indian Links. Zagreb 2022, 87-95; Vyncke 1973, 532; *Enciklopedija Jugoslavije 2. Zagreb 1956, 252f., id. 2. Z. 1982, 531 (with photo and further references); Wikipedia with photo.

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