KLEMM, Robert Kurt. Bautzen, Sachsen 16.4.1852 — Berlin-Lichterfelde 31?.3.1908. German Bookseller and Scholar. Son of Robert Klemm (1821–1862), a merchant. Until 1888 worked as bookseller in Zürich. In 1889-93 studies of Sanskrit, Avesta and IE at Berlin under Weber, Geldner and J. Schmidt. Ph.D. 1894 Leipzig under Windisch and Brugmann. In 31.3.1908 his body was found in Teltower Kanal. Married Anna Zinggeler (1847–1886), one daughter and one son, and 1887 Helene Clara Marie Geisler.

Publications: Diss. (edited): Das Ṣadviṁçabrāhmaṇa mit Proben aus Sāyana’s Kommentar nebst einer Übersetzung. 1. Prapāṭhaka 1. 94 p. Gütersloh 1894.

– “Mādhava, sein Lehrer und seine Werke” Weber-Festschrift 1896, 41-47.

– Wrote annual reports on Indology in ZDMG 1904-07.

Sources: Diss. in Janert; Stache-Weiske 2017, 535; forum.ahnenforschung.net; Schweizerisches Handelsamtsblatt (in https://www.e-helvetica.nb.admin.ch).

Last Updated on 8 months by Admin


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