DELMERICK, James George

DELMERICK, James George. 1828/29 (hardly 1831) — 1915. British Civil Servant in India. In 1872 in Rawalpindi, 1874/77 Assistant Commissioner in Delhi. Married 1849 in Agra Isabella Mary Luckstedt (1831–1910), children. Publications: “Notes on Archaeological Remains at Sháhki Dherí, and the site of Taxila”,  JASB 39:1, 1870, 89-94; “A History…

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DELLA VALLE, Pietro. Rome 11.4.1586 — Rome 21.4. or 11.4.1652. Italian (Roman) Traveller in Iran and India. Born in aristocratic family, son of Pompeo D. V. and Giovanna Alberini, had good education. In his youth served as a soldier. According to his own account left Rome because of an unhappy…

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DELIUS, Nikolaus

DELIUS, Nikolaus. Bremen 19.9.1813 — Bonn 18.11.1888. German Linguist. Professor of English in Bonn. Son of a merchant, Everhard D. and Magdalena Gloystein, educated at Gymnasium in Bremen. Then studies of classical and Indian philology at Bonn (von under Schlegel and Lassen) and Berlin (Bopp). Ph.D. Bonn 1838, then travels…

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DELITZSCH, Friedrich

DELITZSCH, Friedrich Conrad Gerhard. Erlangen 3.9.1850 — Langenschwalbach (now Bad Schwalbach near Wiesbaden) 19.12.1922. German Assyriologist, started with Sanskrit. Professor in Leipzig, Breslau and Berlin. Son of the famous Old Testament scholar (Luth.) and Leipzig Professor Franz Delitzsch (1813–1890) and Clara Silber. In 1868-72 studied at Leipzig and Berlin Sanskrit…

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DELEU, Jozef

DELEU, Jozef Albert Cornelius. Alveringem. West Flanders 17.11.1925 — Ghent 15.3.1994. Belgian Indologist. Studies at Ghent (B.A. 1948 in Germanic philology, Ph.D. 1957 under Scharpé) and in 1959 Hamburg (Schubring and Alsdorf). In 1949-58 teacher (leraar Germaanse talen) at Atheneum Kapellen, 1958-64 at Atheneum Kortrijk. From 1964 at Universiteit Ghent:…

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DELBRÜCK, Richard. Jena 14.7.1875 — Bonn 22.8.1957. German Archaeologist and Classical Scholar. Son of —> Berthold D. and Constance Kämptz. Ph.D. 1899 Bonn. PD 1903, Professor 1909, in 1911-15 Director of The Roman Branch of German Archaeological Institute, then worked for German War and Foreign Ministries. Professor ordin. of Classical Archaeology…

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DELBRÜCK, Berthold

DELBRÜCK, Berthold Gustav Gottlieb. Putbus, Rügen 26.7.1842 — Jena 3.1.1922. German Indologist and IE Scholar. Professor in Jena. Son of a judge, Ernst Friedrich Felix D. (1811–1852) of a well-known family of lawyers and theologians, and Wilhelmine Böhmer. Educated in Stralsund and Halle (Franck. Stiftungen). Early death of father forced…

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DELAMAINE, James. 17?? — Cape of Good Hope 1829?. British Colonial Officer. Ensign (1798), Captain (1823) and Major in Bengal Army (1827), then Lieutenant-Colonel and Political Agent at Nemaur. Served long under John Malcolm and knew Sanskrit and Persian. In 1823 the first European to visit Nasik Caves. Left India…

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