GREY, Leslie

GREY, Leslie. 1916 — ????. M.D. Oxford. A psychiatrist and Professor in Denver, Colorado. M.D. He had served as Medical Attaché to U.S. Embassies in New Delhi and Kabul. One L.G. (M.D.) died in Denver in January 2004. Publications: A concordance of Buddhist birth stories. 43+268 p. Oxford 1990, 2nd…

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GLADSTONE, M. S. 1??? — 19??. Indologist? Ph.D. 1928 Cambridge. Publications: diss. Vishṇu in the Rigveda and after until the epic period.Manuscript 1928. Sources: There are too famous name­sakes to show him in Google.

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GARBACZ, Stephanie K.

GARBACZ, Stephanie Klosinski. Oil City, Venango PA 23.9.1922 — Alexandria VA 3.7.2003. U.S. IE Linguist. Married with Colonel Joseph F. Garbacz (1916–2013) of U.S. Army she lived in many places in and outside U.S.A., had two sons and began late the serious study. Ph.D. 1979 Georgetown University. Then taught Russian…

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GALTON, Herbert

GALTON, Herbert (until 1947 H. Goldstaub). Vienna 1.10.1917 — Vienna 9.12.2004. Austrian Linguist in the U.K. and U.S.A. Born of Polish Jewish parents from Lemberg (L’viv). School and from 1935 studies at Vienna (Slavic under Trubetzkoy, also Sanskrit under Geiger). In 1938 escaped to the Netherlands, then 1939 to U.K. Soon…

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GUERREIRO, Fernão. Almodôvar 1550? — 1617. S.J. Father. Portuguese Jesuit Historian. Studied at Evora. For a while Rector in Funchal, Madeira, then in Bragança and Evora, finally Superior of the Jesuit congregation in Lisbon. His Relaçam continued Luis de Guzman’s account of the Jesuit mission in China and Japan (1601), but…

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GRIFFITHS, Percival Joseph. Middlesex 15.1.1899 — 14.7.1992. Sir. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Joseph Thomas Gr., educated in London. M.A. Cambridge, then went to India in 1922, mainly served in Bengal. Finally District Magistrate of Medinipur in Bengal from 1933. Retired 1937, but stayed in India as a representative…

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GREENBERG, Joseph (Joe) H.

GREENBERG, Joseph (Joe) Harold. Brooklyn, New York 28.5.1915 — Stanford, Calif. 7.5.2001. U.S. Linguist. Born in a Jewish family, father of Polish (original surname Zyto) and mother of German origin. After Hebrew elementary school studied Latin and German at James Madison High School. From 1932 college studies at Columbia (B.A.…

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GRAZIOSI, Paolo. Florence 2.11.1907 — Florence 1988. Italian Anthropologist and Archaeologist. Son of painter Giuseppe Gr. Studied from 1925 at Florence, graduated 1930. From 1936 taught at Università di Firenze, then as Professore di paletnologia e di antropologia in 1944-77 (ord. 1954). In 1939-53 also taught at Pisa. Participated in…

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GRANT, Sara. Shrewsbury 19.12.1922 — 2002. British Missionary and Indologist. Born of Scottish parents in England, educated in a convent in Brighton, converted to Roman Catholicism at the age of 19. After war studied classics at Oxford. She went to India as missionary in 1956 (member of the Sacred Heart…

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GOULD, Basil

GOULD, Basil John. Worcester Park near London 29.12.1883 — Yarmouth, Isle of Wight 27.12.1956.Sir. British Civil Servant in India, Political Officer in Sikkim, Bhutan and Tibet. Son of Charles Gould and Ellen Utterton. After Winchester College studies at Oxford (New College). Joined I.C.S. in 1907. In 1912-13 British Trade Agent in…

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