HARRISON, H. J. 1??? — 1???. Rev. Educated at Bishop’s College in Calcutta. In 1841 missionary in Barrioore near Calcutta, also studies at Bishop’s College. Around 1847 assisted as Catechist Rev. Driberg in founding the new Nurbudda Mission for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. One contemporary report…

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HARRIS, Henry. Mountrath, county Laois, Ireland 3.1.1758 — Madras 10.8.1822. British (Irish?) Physician in India. Son of John H. (1715–1776) and Sarah Deaves. M.D. Arrived in 1783 at Madras. Married 1786 in Madras Jane Charles, three sons and two daughters. His dictionary deals with the Dakhanī form of the language.…

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HARRIS, Claudius

HARRIS, Claudius Richard William. India 1826 — 1862. British Colonial Officer and Artist in India. In India from 1846. He was Captain in Madras Light Cavalry, when he sketched Mandu in 1852, still 1857. In 1861 living in Oxford. Married Alicia Maria Shirley (d. 1857). Publications: The Ruins of Mandoo, the…

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HARRIS, Mary Belle

HARRIS, Mary Belle. Factoryville, PA 19.8.1874 — Lewisburg, PA 22.2.1957. U.S. Administrator and former Student of Sanskrit. Daughter of John Howard Harris, a Baptist minister (then long tome President of Bucknell University), and Mary Elizabeth H. Mace, lost her mother when six. Educated at Keystone Academy, then studies at Bucknell…

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HAMILTON, Alexander

HAMILTON, Alexander. 16?? — after 1733. British Sea Captain. First sailed in Europe, North Africa and West Indies. In 1688-1723 trading and travelling in the East, operating from Surat. In 1717 commander of E.I.C.’s Bombay Navy, suppressing pirates. Publications: A New Account of the East Indies. 1-2. 29+8+396+309+10 p. Edinburgh…

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HALL, E. H. 18?? — 19??. British Library Worker. Grierson’s student and his Assistant in the L.S.I. from c. 1903 in London. Later he also assisted him with the Kāśmīrī dictionary. He worked in India Office Library (in 1935/40 as clerk under H. N. Randle). Publications: Prepared an unpublished inventory…

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HALLAM, Ebenezer Charles Bethlehem

HALLAM, Ebenezer Charles Bethlehem. Worcester 1.1.1833 — Lakemont, Yates County, NY 9.1.1915. British (Canadian) Missionary in India. Son of Samuel H. and Ana Chamberlin. Educated at King Edward’s Grammar School, Birmingham, and Kormal’ School, Toronto. Ordained Baptist Priest 1855. From 1857 worked in Orissa, in 1863-67 in America, then again…

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HÁJEK, Lubor

HÁJEK, Lubor. Nové Strašecí, Rakovnik region 5.5.1921 — Prague 2.3.2000. Czech Art Historian. Studies of Indology at Prague 1945-49 (Lesný and Pertold). Ph.D. 1949 Prague (under Pertold). From 1952 Director of Oriental Collections at Czech National Gallery, retired in 1986. Publications: Diss. Poměr náboženský a pohavního pudu v tantrismu. Manuscript,…

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HAEGHEN, Philippe van der

HAEGHEN, Philippe van der. Brussels 24.2.1825 — Paris 1886. Belgian Scholar interested in Indology. Son of Guillaume v. d. H. and Marie-Anne-Antoinette-Sophie De Wez. His biography is rather unclear, but he seems to have worked for several members of nobility as librarian, etc. He was a polymath who wrote on…

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HYDE, Thomas

HYDE, Thomas. Billingsley near Bridgnorth, Shropshire 29.6.1636 — Oxford 18.2.1703. English Oriental (Arabic and Persian) Scholar, a Pioneer of Zoroastrian Studies. Professor in Oxford. Son of Ralph Hyde, vicar of Billingsley, and Anne Jennings, educated at Eton. In the age of 16 began Arabic studies at Cambridge under Wheelock. He…

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