IMPEY, Elijah

IMPEY, Elijah George Halhed. Cawnpore (Kanpur) 21.9.1818 — Southampton 19.11.1868. British Physician in India. Son of Elijah Impey (1781–1821, from Ireland, not the famous judge in India Sir E.I. [1732–1809], but probably related) and Marian Bunn. From 1840 in Bombay Medical Service. Surgeon-Major of Bombay Horse Artillery, in 1856-68…

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ILSE(-MUNK), Rose. Berlin 5,3,1876 — Auschwitz (Oświęcim) ?.3.1943. German Translator. Daughter of Hermann Munk (1839–1912), Professor of Physiology, and Olga Jaffé. Ph.D. Married Friedrich Gustav Constantin Ilse, two sons and two daughters. As a Jew she became holocaust victim. Publications: With H. Goetz: Gedichte aus der indische Liebesmystik des Mittelalters…

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IL’IN, Grigorij Fedorovič

IL’IN, Grigorij Fedorovič. Rostov-na-Donu 11.1.(24.1.)1914 — Moscow 15.10.1985. Russian Indologist and Historian of India. Professor in Moscow. Born in a worker family, orphan at the age of six. Worked in a factory, then studied aircraft technology at Red Army School and served in Air Forces. Childhood poverty had broken his…

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ILDEPHONSUS A PRAESENTATIONE BEATAE MARIAE VIRGINIS (lay Joseph Igris). Skalitz/Szakolcza, Diocese Neutra, Hungary (now Skalica in Slovakia) 1724 — Mielec, Austrian Galicia (now Poland) 30.10. 1790. Father. Austrian or Hungarian (?) Carmelite Priest and Missionary in South India. Joined the order (its Polonian Province) in 1748 in Cracow. In 1756-59 studied…

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IHLEFELD, Konrad Adolph Anton. Rühn (or Wismar?), Mecklenburg 21.2.1837 — Rostock 18.11.1906. Rev. German Lutheran Missionary in South India. Son of Eduard I., an official. From 1858 studied theology at Rostock. He was minister in Eldena, near Ludwigslust, but after loosing his wife (Maria Caroline Hager, 1839–1871) and child joined…

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IEVERS, Robert Wilson

IEVERS, Robert Wilson. Limerick 1850 (or 1851) — Ireland 10.2.1905. British (Irish) Civil Servant in Sri Lanka. Son of Robert John I., a wine merchant, and Elizabeth Browne. Educated at Queen’s University, Belfast (M.A.). Entered Ceylon Civil Service in 1872, worked in various positions mainly in the north-west, living in…

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IBBETSON, Denzil C. J.

IBBETSON, Denzil Charles Jelf. Gainsborough, Lincolnshire 30.8.1847 — London 21.2.1908. Sir. British Civil Servant and Ethnologist in India. Son of Denzil John Holt I. (1823–1871), a railway engineer, and Clarissa Elizabeth Guilding. Soon the father took orders and moved with his family to Australia. Educated at St.Peter’s College in Adelaide,…

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