JARRETT, Thomas. 1805 — Trunch, Norfolk 7.3.1882. Rev. British Oriental Scholar. Professor in Cambridge. From 1823 studies at St.Catharine’s College, Cambridge (B.A. 1827, M.A. 1830). Ordained priest 1831. Fellow and Lecturer in Classics and Hebrew 1828-32. In 1831-54 Adam’s Professor of Arabic, from 1854 until his death Regius Professor of…

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JARDIM, Luís. Garanhuns, Pernambuco 8.12.1901 — Rio de Janeiro 1.1.1987. Brazilian Author and Artist. Son of Manuel Antônio de Azevedo Jardim and Angélica Aurora de Miranda Jardim, both murdered 1917. Worked as janitor in Recife, succeeded in publishing his drawings and moved to Rio de Janeiro. Now also started writing…

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JANVIER, Ernest P.

JANVIER, Ernest Paxton. Fatehgarh, India 1.2.1890 — Haverford, PA 3.5.1962. Rev. U.S. Missionary and Indologist. Son of Rev. Dr. Caesar Augustus J. and Susan Duryee Rankin, grandson of —> Levi J. Born in India, came to the U.S.A. in 1905. Studies at Princeton, ordained priest 191?. Wesleyan missionary in India…

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JANSEN, Hubert

JANSEN, Hubert. Riethausen bei Kleve (Rheinland) 2.11.1854 — 1917. German Scholar of Muslim India. Ph.D. 1894 Leipzig. Living in Berlin (1906/11). His other interests included Sogdian Turfan fragments and, surprisingly, technical and scientific lexicography. Publications: Diss. two parts of a larger work: Bemerkungen zur Verskunst im Urdu (also in GSAI 7,…

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JANERT, Klaus L.

JANERT, Klaus Ludwig. Wittenberg 19.3.1922 — 10.12.1994. German Indologist. Professor in Cologne. Studied Indology, Tamil, IE and Slavic linguistics at Halle (under Thieme) and Göttingen, where Ph.D. 1954. Worked in Göttingen University Library. In 1962-63 PD at Tübingen, then from 1963 ord. Professor of Indology at Köln. Retired in 1987.…

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JANÍČEK, Rudolf. Jevíčko, Pardubice region 16.4.1904 — Železný Brod, Liberec region 6.10.1988. Czechoslovakian Teacher interested in Indian thought. School-teacher (professor) in Železný Brod. Publications: Translated Bhagavadgítá neboli Zpěv Vznešeného. 153 p. Železný Brod 1945; Bůh jsi Ty! (Odkaz staroindických upanišad). Železný Brod 1945; Rámah a Sítá. 196 p. Ž. Brod…

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JANÁČEK, Adolf. Prelau (now Přerov, Olomouc region) 11.6.1901 — Prague 17.7.1963. Czechoslovakian Indologist. Ph.D. School-teacher (professor) teaching Czech and German. Publications: “František Čupr a Schopenhauer”, Česká mysl 1/25, 1929, 12-27. – “The Methodical Principle in Yoga according to Patañjali’s Yoga-Sūtras”, ArO 19, 1951, 514-567; “The ‘voluntaristic’ Type of Yoga in…

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JAKIMOV, Aristarh Tihonovič

JAKIMOV, Aristarh Tihonovič. Selenginsk, Zabajkal’skij obl. (Burjatia) 28.9. (10.10.)1895 — 22.12.1976. Russian (Buryat) Scholar of Mongolian, Buddhism and Lamaism. Son of a minister. In 1917-22 participated in the civil war, in 1940-45 in the WW II. Graduated 1940 from Moscow Inst. Vostokovedenija. In 1940-52 served in the Red Army. Kand.…

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JAHN, Wilhelm

JAHN, Wilhelm. Stettin (Szczecin) 7.4.1873 — 19??. German Indologist. Docent in Zürich. Son of a merchant, lost early his parents. After Gymnasium in Berlin and Wernigerode matriculated in 1893. Studied first art and literary history and philosophy, in 1895 at Berlin, 1895-97 at Marburg, 1897-98 at Rostock, and 1898-99 at…

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JAHN, Karl

JAHN, Karl Emil Oskar. Brünn (now Brno) 26.3.1906 — Utrecht 7.11.1985. Austrian/Czechoslovakian Persian Scholar in the Netherlands. Professor in Leiden. Born of an originally Silesian family, son of Oskar J., an Oberfinanzrat (a high revenue officer). Studies of chemistry at Brno, but after one year moved to Prague, where he…

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