LOUNSBERY, G.  Constant

LOUNSBERY, Grace  Constant. New York 29.1.1876 — France 24.9.1964. U.S. Author, Playwright and Bauddha in France. Daughter of James L. (d. 1897) (?) and Grace Constant. Graduated from Bryn Mawr College. Founder (1929) and President of Amis du Bouddhisme. Unmarried. Publications: La Méditation bouddhique. 179 p. P. 1935; Buddhist Meditation in the…

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LORENZ, Francisco

LORENZ, Francisco Valdomiro (born František Vladimir Lorenc). Zbyslav, Bohemia 24.12.1872 — Dom Feliciano near Porto Alegre 24.5.1957. Brazilian (born Czech) Philosopher, Polyglot and Esperantist. He took early Esperanto, but as Austro-Hungarian state imagined it to be connected with socialism, he had to emigrate in 1891. Lived first in Rio de Janeiro, then…

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LOGAN, Alexander Cochrane

LOGAN, Alexander Cochrane. 1861? — 1910?. British Civil Servant in India. Probably son of the elder A.C.L. (mentioned in 1851/61) and his wife Margaret Hall, grew up in Mandeville, Jamaica. From 1879 (when 18) studies at Oxford (Balliol College). Joined I.C.S. in 1879 and from 1881 worked in Bombay Presidency,…

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LOBSIGER-DELLENBACH, Marguerite (née M. D.). Geneva 9.7.1905 — Onex, Geneva 1993. Swiss Anthropologist and Ethnomusicologist. From 1922 secretary of Eugène Pittard. From 1947 Vice-Director and in 1952-63 Director of Musée d’ethnographie in Geneva (Pittard’s successor). Fieldwork in Nepal in 1952. Married 1936 George Lobsiger (1903–1988). Publications: Népal: Catalogue de la Collection d’Ethnographie…

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LIACRE DE SAINT-FIRMIN, Julie. 18?? — 19??. Mme. French Physician (M.D.) interested in Indian Tradition. P. Masson-Oursel in his RHR review deems her book as unripe, it contains errors and many important sources are missing. Publications: Med. diss. Médecine et légendes bouddhiques de l’Inde. 120 p. P. 1916. Sources: No hints about her…

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LEMBEZAT, Bertrand

LEMBEZAT, Bertrand Jean François. Cairo, Egypr 8.3.1913 — 26.3.1986.French Ethnologist and Colonial Official. Son of Jean Lembezat and Marcelle Le Fee de Plaudren. Studies in Paris, diploms of École nationale d’outre-mer, École nationale des langues orientales and Institut d’ethnologie. In the 1930s in Cameroon, during WW II worked there for France…

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LE BONHEUR, Albert. Saigon 6.8.1938 — Paris 8.2.1996. French Art Historian of South and South-East Asia. Educated in Saigon, Hanoi and Paris, studied art history, Sanskrit and Tamil in Paris. Diplome of École du Louvre 1966. The conservator in Musée Guimet, from 1971 also taught at École du Louvre. Ph.D. 1978 Paris…

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LEACH, Edmund R.

LEACH, Edmund Ronald. Sidmouth, Devon 10.11.1910 — Cambridge 6.1.1989. Sir. British Anthropologist. Son of William Edmund Leach and Mildred Brierley, educated at Marlborough College. Studies of mathematical and mechanical sciences at Cambridge (Clare College). B.A. 1932, then four year in China serving a British business company, but did not like…

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LAUFER, Heinrich

LAUFER, Heinrich. Köln 2.2.1877 — Luxor (?) 10.7.1935. German Physician. Son of Max L. (of Jewish background) and Eugenie Schlesinger, brother of —> Berthold L. Worked many years in Cairo, Egypt. Married Margarete. For his small study of Tibetan medicine he collected material from travel books. Publications: Beiträge zur Kenntniss der…

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