MORELAND, William Harrison

MORELAND, William Harrison. Belfast 13.7.1868 — Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire 28.9.1938. British (Anglo-Irish) Historian of Islamic India. Born in Northern Ireland, son of the elder W.H.M. and Emily McGowan. Educated 1881-86 at Clifton College, Somerset. In 1886 accepted to I.C.S., studied law and other subjects at Cambridge (LL.B. 1889 Trinity College).…

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MORDTMANN, Andreas David

MORDTMANN, Andreas David. Hamburg 11.2.1811 — Constantinople 30.12.1879. German Diplomat, Oriental Scholar and Epigraphist. Lived in Constantinople from 1845. Son of Jens M. (1786-1829), worker and shopkeeper, and Anna Peiniger (1794-1813). Educated at Johanneum in Hamburg. Lost early his parents and had to earn his living by giving private lessons…

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MOORE, Ross Arthur Leslie

MOORE, Ross Arthur Leslie. Faizabad, Andhra Pradesh 1.5.1861 — 1950. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Irish Colonel John Leslie Moore and his wife Margaret Edwina (1829–1878). Educated at Dulwich College. Studies at Cambridge (Peterhouse). Served in India (Bombay) from 1882. Served in Maharashtra and Gujarat, from 1903 as…

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MOORE, Justin Hartley

MOORE, Justin Hartley. Brooklyn, N.Y. 13.1.1884 — Mexico 13.9.1962. U.S. Indologist. Son of Albert Star Moore and his wife Elizabeth. A.M. 190? and Ph.D. 1908 Columbia University, New York (under Jackson). Later on, one Justin Hartley Moore was the dean of a business school in New York and wrote on…

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MOORE, Charles A.

MOORE, Charles Alexander. Chicago, Ill. 11.3.1901 — Honolulu 14.4.1967. U.S. Philosopher interested in Indian Thought. Studies at Yale: A.B. 1926, Ph.D. 1932. In 1933-36 Instructor in Philosophy at Yale. From 1936 at University of Hawaii: Assistant Professor 1936-40, Associate Professor 1940-48 and Professor of Philosophy 1948-55, in 1955-67 Senior Professor;…

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MOORCROFT, William. Ormskirk, Lancashire 1765 — Andkhui, Afghanistan 25.8.1825. British Veterinary Surgeon and Traveller in North-West India. Born as illegitimate son of Ann M., daughter of a local farmer, educated in “Liverpool as a surgeon, studied veterinary science in France [Lyon]. Made a fortune by his veterinary practice in London,…

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MOOR, Edward

MOOR, Edward. 1771 — Westminster 26.2.1848. British Colonial Officer and Oriental Scholar in India. Major. Left for India as young cadet in 1782, arrived at Madras 1783. “Served with the Mahratta Army against Tippoo, 1790-1, at Dharwar, Doridrug, Gadjnur; wrote, in 1794, an account of the operations. Officiated as Quarter-Master-General;…

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MONSEUR, Eugène Henri Guillaume Edgard. Liège 17.9.1860 — Brussels 6.12.1912. Belgian Indologist, Linguist and Folklorist. Professor in Brussels. Son of an armorer, lost his father in the age of six and mother in 12, and was in care of aunts. Educated at Jesuit school and Athenaeum of Liège. Dr. en…

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MONSERRATE, Antonio de

MONSERRATE, Antonio de (Antoni de Montserrat). Vic, Barcelona 1536? — Salsette 26.10.1605. Father. S.J. Spanish (Catalan) Missionary in India. Joined S.J. 1556, studied at Coimbra, then served in Lisbon and left for India in 1574. Together with Rodolpho Aquaviva and Francisco Enriques he travelled in 1569 to Surat and to…

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MONNERET DE VILLARD, Ugo. Milano 16.1.1881 — Rome 5.11.1954. Italian Archaeologist, Art Historian and Oriental Scholar, a specialist of Egypt anf Ethiopia, but with wide interests including Iran and North-West India. Son of Enrico M. de V. and Anna Foli. Studied engineering and architecture in Milano (graduated 1904), but soon…

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