JOHAENTGEN (Johäntgen), Franz Georg. Bonn 13/15.4.1834 — Berlin 6.4.1899. German Indologist and Journalist. Son of Georg J. and Margaretha Probst. Roman Catholic. Educated at Catholic Gymnasium in Cologne and 1853-54 in Arensberg. In 1854-56 studies of Indology under Lassen and Haug at Bonn and from 1856 under Weber at Berlin. Ph.D. 1858…

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JANSEN, Hubert

JANSEN, Hubert. Riethausen bei Kleve (Rheinland) 2.11.1854 — 1917. German Scholar of Muslim India. Ph.D. 1894 Leipzig. Living in Berlin (1906/11). His other interests included Sogdian Turfan fragments and, surprisingly, technical and scientific lexicography. Publications: Diss. two parts of a larger work: Bemerkungen zur Verskunst im Urdu (also in GSAI 7,…

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JANÁČEK, Adolf. Prelau (now Přerov, Olomouc region) 11.6.1901 — Prague 17.7.1963. Czechoslovakian Indologist. Ph.D. School-teacher (professor) teaching Czech and German. Publications: “František Čupr a Schopenhauer”, Česká mysl 1/25, 1929, 12-27. – “The Methodical Principle in Yoga according to Patañjali’s Yoga-Sūtras”, ArO 19, 1951, 514-567; “The ‘voluntaristic’ Type of Yoga in…

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JÄSCHKE, Heinrich August

JÄSCHKE, Heinrich August. Herrnhut (Sachsen) 17.5.1817 — Herrnhut 24.9.1883. German Missionary and Tibetan scholar. Son of a master baker in an originally Moravian family, Friedrich August J. and Sophie Zeidler. As a talented boy he won a scholarship to Niesky Pädagogium (Herrnhutian Gymnasium) in Silesia. Then studies at seminary in…

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JACQUEMONT, Venceslas-Victor. Paris 8.8.1801 — Bombay 7.12.1832. French Botanist and Traveller in India. Born in a wealthy family, father Frédéric François Venceslas J. (1757–1836) being author of psychological speculations, mother was Rose Laisne. After Lycée Louis-le-Grand (then called (Lycée impérial) he studied natural sciences and medicine at Collège de France…

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JACOB, George Le Grand

JACOB, George Le Grand. Glamorganshire near Cardiff 24.4.1805 — London 27.1.1881. Sir. British Colonial Officer and Indologist in India. Fifth son of John Jacob (1765–1840), later known as historian of Channel Islands, and Anna Maria Le Grand (1768–1818), cousin of —> Philip W. Jacob and uncle of —> Samuel Swinton…

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JACOB, George Adolphus

JACOB, George Adolphus (not Augustus). Bromsgrove, Worcestershire 21.8.1840 — Redhill, Surrey 9.4.1918. British Colonial Officer and Indologist in India. Colonel, in India 1857-90. Son of Rev. George Andrew J. (1807–1896) and Susanna Pidsley, nephew of —> Philip Wh. Jacob, of a well-known family of colonial servants and officers, educated in…

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ISENBERG, Karl Wilhelm

ISENBERG, Karl Wilhelm (Charles William). Barmen, Bergisches Land 5.9.1806 — Kornthal near Stuttgart 10.10.1864. German Missionary and Polyglot. Of humble origin, son of a tinsmith, W. Isenberg, and Luise Stahl, a deeply religious home. He went to Basel Mission School in 1824, then two years studies in Berlin and in 1830…

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IRVINE, William

IRVINE, William. Aberdeen 5.7.1840 — Castelnau, Barnes, near London 3.11.1911. British (Scottish) Civil Servant and Historian in India. Specialist of the Muhammedan period. Son of William I., an advocate, and Margaret Garden. Lost early his father and moved to London with his mother, educated privately and at King’s College. In…

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ILSE(-MUNK), Rose. Berlin 5,3,1876 — Auschwitz (Oświęcim) ?.3.1943. German Translator. Daughter of Hermann Munk (1839–1912), Professor of Physiology, and Olga Jaffé. Ph.D. Married Friedrich Gustav Constantin Ilse, two sons and two daughters. As a Jew she became holocaust victim. Publications: With H. Goetz: Gedichte aus der indische Liebesmystik des Mittelalters…

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