HARMATTA, János. Hódmezővásárhely, komitat Csongrád 2.10.1917 — Buda­pest 24.7.2004. Hungarian Indo-Iranian Scholar. From 1935 studies of classical, IE and Iranian philology and Indology at Budapest, Ph.D. 1940 in Greek. From 1947 Docent of Greek at Budapest, from 1952 Professor of IE Linguistics (with Indo-Iranian studies) ibid. In 1988 emeritus, but…

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NALBANDJAN, Georgi Mkrtichi

NALBANDJAN, Georgi Mkrtichi (Russian Georgij Mkrtyčevič N.). Čita 5.1.1926 — Yerevan 5.11.1998. Armenian Iranian Scholar. Son of a worker. Graduated 1951 in Erevan. Kand. filol. nauk 1955, Docent 1961, Dr. 1972, Professor 1973. From 1952 taught at University of Erevan, from 1963 with chair of Oriental philology. Publications: At least 60…

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MACKENZIE, David Neil. London 8.4.1926 — Bangor, Wales 13.10.2001. British Iranian Scholar in Germany. Professor in Göttingen. Son of David M., educated in Slough, Windsor and Cambridge. From November 1943 to December 1947 in army, from August 1944 to September 1945 served in India and Burma, then until July 1947 in…

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KVERGIĆ,  Feodor

KVERGIĆ,  Hermann Feodor (Kvergic). Bratislava 24.6.1895 — 1948/49. Austrian Iranian and Turkic scholar. A Serbian from Bratislava, son of György Kvergič and Hermina Doseri. Gymnasium in Graz, then studied Oriental languages and medicine at Vienna and Graz. Ph.D. 1927 Vienna. Travels in Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey. From at least 1938 apparently living…

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ASMUSSEN, Jes Peter. Aabenraa 2.11.1928 — Copenhagen 5.8.2002. Danish Iranian Scholar, Specialist of Judeo-Persian Literature. Son of engineer Asmus Heinrich A. (d. 1959) and Eline Petersen (d. 1960). Matriculated from Aabenraa in 1948, then studied at Copenhagen University: Cand.Theol. 1954. After amy servoce in Greenland (learned Inuit language) worked in…

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VASIL’EV, Aleksej Ivanovič

VASIL’EV, Aleksej Ivanovič. St.Petersburg 1903 — Leningrad 6.11.1936. Russian Specialist of Sogdian. Son of a worker. Joined early the Communist Party and served as matros in 1921-26, in 1923 final school examination. After a while in a steam ship, in 1927-30 studies of Asian history at Leningrad University. 1930 aspirant,…

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TELEGDI, Zsigmond

TELEGDI, Zsigmond (born Weil). Enyig, county Veszprém 29.12.1909 — Budapest 5.3.1994. Hungarian Linguist. Son of solicitor Ede Weil and Elza Erzsébet, lost early his father. Grew up in Székesfehérvár and attended Jewish secondary school there 1919-27. Briefly studied at Rabbinical seminary in Budapest, but interrupted and studied Semitic and Iranian linguistics…

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SMIRNOVA, Ol’ga Ivanovna

SMIRNOVA, Ol’ga Ivanovna. Petergof (Petrodvorec) 14.(27.)6.1910 — 13.1. 1982. Russian Central Asian (Sogdian) Scholar and Historian. Daughter of an officer. Graduated 1934 from Leningrad as student of Frejman. Kand. filol. nauk 1945. Employed in 1934-35 in Numismatic Department of Hermitage, then 1935–82 naučnyj sotrudnik (1948 staršij n. s.) at Oriental…

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SILVESTRE DE SACY, Antoine Isaac (baron 1814). Paris 21.9.1758 — Paris 21.2.1838. French Oriental (Arabic and Persian) Scholar. Professor in Paris. Son ofAbraham Jacques Silvestre (d. 1765),a notary of a Jansenist Jewish family, and Marie Marguerite Judde, lost early his father. Privately educated, studied law. In 1781-92 worked in financial…

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MENASCE, Jean Pierre de

MENASCE, Jean de (born Jean André Moise de M.). Alexandria, Egypt 24.12.1902 — Paris 24.11.1973. Father. French Iranian Scholar. From his mother inherited French citizenship, father (banker, Baron Félix de M.) belonged to a Jewish family which had migrated from Spain to Egypt around 1500. Educated at French school in Alexandria,…

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