RANDLE, Herbert Niel

RANDLE, Herbert Niel. Bombay 19.10.1880 — Richmond, Surrey 8.7.1973. British Indologist. Civil servant (teacher) in India and Librarian in London (India Office). Son of Nathaniel Randle (1839–1893), manager of a vining company, and Elfrida Clark. The family returned soon to the U.K. and he was educated at Dulwich College in…

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RAMSTEDT, Gustaf John. Tammisaari 22.10.1873 — Helsinki 25.11.1950. Finnish Altaic Scholar. Son of Gustaf Adolf Ramstedt, a machineman, and Edla Matilda Holmberg. Studies of classics, Sanskrit (under Donner and Reuter) and Finno-Ugrian at Helsinki. M.A. 1898, Lic. phil. (Ph.D.) 1902 (diss. on Mari language under E. N. Setälä), Docent of…

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RAMOS DE ANDRÉS, Justo. 1904 — 1965. Padre. Spanish Linguist. Ph.D. Professor of Classical languages at Madrid, also taught Sanskrit, from 1934 and still in the late 1950s. Publications: Spanish translations of Kālidāsa: Rtusamhara, o, Curso de las estaciones. 109 p. Madrid 1964 (an earlier ed. without date, 1942); Raghúvamça.…

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RAHDER, Johannes

RAHDER, Johannes. Loeboeg Begalong (Lubuk Begalung), Sumatra 27.12.1898 — 3.3.1988. Dutch Japanologist and Buddhist Scholar in the U.S.A. Born in Indonesia where his father was the governor of Western Sumatra. Studies in 1917-24 at Leiden, then 1924-28 at Brussels (La Vallée Poussin) and Paris (Pelliot). Ph.D. 1926 Utrecht (under Caland).…

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RAGOZIN, Zenaide Alekseevna

RAGOZIN, Zenaide Alekseevna (born Zenaida Alekseevna Verderevskaja, then Ragozina). Rjazan govt. 16.6.1838 (1834/35?) — Leningrad 18.5.1924. Russian Traveller and Authoress of Popular Histories in the U.S.A. Born in a noble family, spent some time in imperial court in St.Petersburg. Travelled much in Europe, in 1874 emigrated to the U.S.A. (naturalized…

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RABE, Carl

RABE, Carl. Breslau 1814 — 18??. German Student of Indology. Son of a farmer, educated in Breslau. Ph.D. Breslau 1845 (under Stenzler). Could he be the unnamed German student, who, according to Whitney, c. 1852 wrote a thesis on Kālidāsa’s plays and moved then to England, where Goldstücker deemed his…

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RAABE, Christine Henriette

RAABE, Christine Henriette. Utrecht 1878 — Utrecht 17.2.1959. Dutch Student of Indology. Daughter of Adam Hendrik Raabe (d. 1899) and Christina Henriette Raabe (née Marth). Studies under Caland at Utrecht. Ph.D. 1911 Utrecht. In 1913 married with Rudolf Ernst Kraemer, two children. Publications: Diss. Bijdrage tot de kennis van het…

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TUXEN, Poul. Frederiksberg near Copenhagen 8.12.1880 — Copenhagen 29.5.1955. Danish Indologist. Professor in Copenhagen. Son of Søren Ludvig Tuxen (1850–1919), teacher and classical philologist, and Johanne Margarethe Jørgensen. Educated at Bergerydskolen in Copenhagen, where his father was rector. Started Sanskrit as a schoolboy, matriculated 1899. Studied at Copenhagen Music (played…

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TUTTLE, Edwin H.

TUTTLE, Edwin Hotchkiss. New Haven, Conn. 23.9.1879 — Washington DC 25.1.1939. U.S. Phonetician and Dravidian Scholar. Son of Lucius Bement Tuttle and Emma Louise Hotchkiss. Studies at Yale, graduated 1901. Further studies in Paris. Language teacher at Mackenzie School in Dobbs Ferry, New York and at Boys’ Latin School in…

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TURRINI, Giuseppe

TURRINI, Giuseppe. Avio nel Trentino (then Austrian) 5.4.1826 — Bologna 7.2.1899 (C.M. 24.1.). Italian Indologist. Professor in Bologna. Son of Ludovico Turrini and Cattarina Libera. Educated in Rovereto and Trento, began medical studies at Padova. Active in pro-Italian politics in the Austrian-ruled territory, in 1848 had to escape to Pisa,…

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