MICHEL, Charles

MICHEL, Charles. Tournai 1853 — 1929. Belgian Classical Scholar interested in Sanskrit. Dr. en philosophie et lettres. Docent at Liège until 1885, in 1885-1892 Professor at Gand and from 1892 at Liège. He was mainly a Greek scholar, but also interested in Indology and started the Sanskrit teaching at Liège…

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MICHALEK, Manó. Jánosi 1838 — Eger 1915. Hungarian Translator of Sanskrit Literature. In Eger, probably as teacher or librarian (1892). Publications: Translated: Nala, a Mahá-Bhárata czimű szanszkrit költemény epizódja. 15+232 p. Érsek. Lyceumi ny. 14. Eger 1886; Kálidásza, Kumáraszam­bhava, Canto 1. Eger 1893. – Unrelevant publications. Sources: Passingly mentioned by…

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MICHAEL, James. 17?? — 15.12.1837. British Colonial Officer and Oriental (Persian and Urdu) Scholar in India, then in 1827-37 Professor of Hindu Literature and Asian History at Haileybury. From 1934 also registrar of the College. Beside Persian and Hindustani he also knew Marathi. During his last years suffered of poor health…

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MEZZOFANTI, Giuseppe Gaspare. Bologna 19.9.1774 — Rome 15.3.1849. Italian Polyglot, Cardinal. Born in a humble family as the son of a carpenter, Francesco M. and Gesualda Dell’Olme, he showed early his talent in languages. Studied with the Piarists. Ordained priest 1797, he became Professor of Arabic, Hebrew and Greek at…

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MEYER-BENFEY, Heinrich (born H. Meyer). Liebenburg, Harzvorland 14.3.1869 — Buxtehude 30.12.1945. German Germanist and Indologist. A specialist of Tagore. Studies of German, English and Sanskrit at Göttingen. He supported actively the women’s liberation movement and could not habilitate at conservative Göttingen (1910, hab.diss. on Kleist), instead he became PD 1919…

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MEYER, Rudolf

MEYER, Rudolf Ernst Wilhelm. Berlin 2.3.1855 — 1928. German Student of Indology. Educated at Friedrich-Wilhelm-Gymnasium in Berlin, from 1873 studies of classical philology at Heidelberg, after 6 months moved to Berlin and soon turned into comparative linguistics (under J. Schmidt) and Indology (Weber). Ph.D. 1877 Berlin (under Weber). Publications: Diss.…

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MEYER, Leo Karl Heinrich. Bledeln near Sarstedt (Hannover) 3.7.1830 — Göttingen 6.6.1910. German IE Scholar in Estonia. Professor in Dorpat. Son of Carl Friedrich Meyer, a minister, and Jeanette Schlüter. After Lyceum in Hannover and gymnasium in Holzminden in 1844-49, studies at Göttingen, concentrating on German, Latin, Greek and Sanskrit…

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MEYER, Johann Jakob

MEYER, Johann Jakob. Frankenmuth, Saginaw County, Michigan 25.4.1870 — Chur 2.4.1939. German (U.S.) Indologist. Born in an outlying German colony in a poor and big family of German immigrants, being the oldest child of Johann Michael Meyer, of Franconian origin, and Anna Katharina Engel. He was able to enter college…

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MEYER, Gustav

MEYER, Gustav. Gross-Strehlitz, Oberschesien (now Strzelce Opolskie in Poland) 25.11.1850 — Feldhof bei Graz 28.8.1900. German IE Linguist and Balkanist in Austria. Professor in Graz. Son of a civil servant. After school in Oppeln (matriculation 1867) studied at Breslau classical philology, IE and Sanskrit (under Stenzler), modern Greek, Romance, Germanic…

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MESSINA, Giuseppe

MESSINA, Giuseppe. San Cataldo, Sicily 6.1.1893 — Messina 28.6.1951. Father. S.J. Italo-French Scholar of Iranian and of History of Religion. Born near Caltanisetta in Sicily. Joined the Jesuits and studied philosophy in France and theology in the Netherlands, ordained priest in 1922. Then studied Iranian philology in Rome (Pontifical Biblical Institute,…

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