MANSION, Joseph. Ghent 9.1.1877 — Liège 8.11.1937. Belgian Linguist. Professor in Liège. Son of the mathematician Paul Mansion (1844–1919) and Marie-Cécile Belpaire. After school in Ghent he studied in 1894-99 classical philology and law at Université de Gand where he also learned Sanskrit under La Vallée Poussin. Ph.D. 1899 in…

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MAŃKOWSKI, Leon (von / M. h. Zaremba). Podolia 6.11.1858 — Cracow 18.4.1909. Polish (Austrian) Indologist. Professor in Cracow. Son of Walery M. and Tekla Natalia Łaźnińska. Gymnasium in Berlin and Dresden. After law studies at Leipzig started Slavonic and Indology at Breslau (Stenzler, Hillebrandt), then from 1891 under Bühler at Vienna,…

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MANEN, Johan van

MANEN, Mari Albert Johan van. Nijmegen 16.4.1877 — Calcutta 17.4.1943. Dutch Librarian and Theosophist in India. Son of Reinier Otto van Manen, an engineer in state service, and Maria Albertina Johanna van Tricht, grew up in Zutphen and Haarlem. After a chequered youth, more interested in art and politics than…

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MALTBY, Thomas James

MALTBY, Thomas James. 18?? — 1???. British Civil Servant in India. Possibly son of elder Thomas James Maltby, who was British Vice-Consul in Brussels. Served as assistant collector of Ganjam district under Madras Presidency, later apparently superintendent. An Internet forum offers the following dramatic account signed by Roy Corduroy: “Civil…

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MALINOWSKI, Franciszek

MALINOWSKI, Franciszek Ksawery. Gołubie, Pomerania 27.12.1807 (or 1808) — Komorniki, Wielkopolskie 30.1.1881. Polish Priest and Linguist interested in Sanskrit. Son of the elder Fr. M. (1781–1829) and Dorota Weronika Bohm (d. 1809). After school in Skępo, Żuromin and Płock, studies at Warsaw and from 1829 at seminary in Pelplin. In…

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MALCOLM, John. Burnfoot,Dumfriesshire 2.5.1769 — Windsor 31.5. or 30.7.1833. Sir. British (Scottish) Colonial Officer, Diplomat and Historian in India. Major-General. Son of George Malcolm, a tenant farmer, and Margaret Pasley, educated at Westerkirk. In 1782 (when 13) joined Indian army and arrived at Madras 1783. In 1792 under Cornwallis at…

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MALAN, Solomon Caesar

MALAN, Caesar Jean Salmon (then Solomon Caesar). Geneva 12.4.1812 (or 23.4.) — Bournemouth 25.11.1894. Rev. Swiss Priest, Polyglot and Oriental Scholar in the U.K. Son of Dr. César Henri Abraham Malan, a theologian, of an exiled French Huguenot family, and Salomé Georgette Jeanne Schönberger. Educated at Vandœuvres, took early to…

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MAJEWSKI, Valenty Skorochód

MAJEWSKI, Walenty Skorochód. Guzy, Podlachia (Podlasie) 1764 — Warsaw 3.7.1835. Polish Dilettante interested in Sanskrit. Born in a petty noble family. Graduated 1785 from Collegium Nobilium in Warsaw and worked then as teacher in the same. From 1803 worked as archivist, from 1808 in charge of the newly established National…

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MAINWARING, George Byres

MAINWARING, George Byres. Banda, U.P., India 18.7.1825 — Serampore 16.1.1893. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of George M. of I.C.S. and Isabella Byres. Educated in Aberdeen and Wimbledon. He became ensign in Bengal Army in 1842, Captain 1856, from 1868 Lieutenant-Colonel in Bengal Staff Corps, finally Major-General. Also worked…

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MAHON, George W.

MAHON, George William. Madras 1808 — Aspley Guise, Woburn, Bedfordshire 1866. Rev. British Clergyman in India. Son of William Mahon, of Swansea. Matriculated 1824 Pembroke College, Oxford, B.A. 1828 and Fellow 1828–37. M.A. 1831, Chaplain 1834. After brief service in Bangalore, Chaplain of Fort St. George in 1839–49, removed because…

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