LAMBRICK, Hugh Trevor

LAMBRICK, Hugh Trevor. Shardlow, Derbyshire 20.4.1904 — Oxford 31.8.1982. British Civil Servant and Historian in India. Son of Rev. Charles Mengier (Menzies?) L. (1862–1947) and Jessie Mabel Trevor (1875–1946). Educated in Caterham, Surrey and Fleetwood, Lancashire. Born in a family with long traditions in colonial service and especially in Sindh,…

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LAMAIRESSE, Pierre Eugène. Châlons-sur-Marne (now Châlons-en-Champagne) 14.7.1817 — Marengo (Hadjout), Algeria 17.4.1898. French Engineer interested in India. The youngest son of Jean-Baptiste-Cyprien L., an agriculturalist, studied at École polytechnique and became a hydraulic engineer. Served as engineer in French India in 1860–66 working on dams and other irrigation projects in…

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LALOU, Marcelle

LALOU, Marcelle. Meudon-Bellevue near Paris 23.8.1890 — Paris 15.12.1967. French Tibetan Scholar. Daughter of Georges Lalou, an advocate. Conforming to the demands then put to a girl she studied history and art history at Sorbonne only privately without graduation. During the war in 1914-18 worked as a nurse. After the…

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LAIDLAY, John Watson

LAIDLAY, John Watson. Glasgow 27.3.1808 — 8.3.1885. British (Scottish) Archaeologist and Numismatist in India. Son of John L., a businessman, and Elizabeth Watson, educated in London. Studied chemistry under Faraday, then, for India, Hindustani in London under Gilchrist. At 17 in 1825 went to India, employed in the mercantile house…

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LĄCZAK, Józef (until the 1970s Lonczak). Książnica (near Mielec) 5.12.1926 — 21.8.1989. Polish Linguist, began as an Indologist, but moved into the Finno-Ugrian studies. After school (in wartime in secret courses) at Mielec, from 1947 studies of Indology (Willman-Grabowska) and Polish Philology at Cracow, graduated M.A. in 1952 (diss. “Indian Studies…

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LACROIX, Alphonse François

LACROIX, Alphonse François. Lignières, Canton Neuchâtel 10.5.1799 — Calcutta 3.7.1859. Swiss Missionary and Bengali Scholar in India. Grew up with his uncle, educated in Zürich and Neuchâtel. In 1816 moved to Amsterdam as a tutor and soon became interested in mission. Accepted as agent of the Netherlands Missionary Society at…

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LACÔTE, Félix. Moulins (Allier) 3.9.1873 — 20.3.1925. French Indologist. Professor in Lyon. Studies of philology, graduated a teacher in 1896. During studies he had been interested in Sanskrit and concentrated now on Sanskrit and Tibetan studies and became a student of Lévi. From 1899 teacher at Lycée of Montluçon, spent…

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LABER, Julius

LABER, Julius. Köln 11.5.1884 — 1944?. German Student of Indology. Son of a bookseller from Cologne, where he attended school and Gymnasium. From 1903 studies of law at Bonn, then at Berlin, Freiburg i.Br., and Leipzig. Back to Bonn in 1905, in 1906 moved to Philosophical Faculty, where 1906-08 studies…

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KUZNECOV, Bronislav Ivanovič

KUZNECOV, Bronislav Ivanovič. Leningrad 2.11.1931 (or 2.12.?) — Leningrad 24.7.1985. Russian Tibetan Scholar. Son of a worker. Studies under Vorob’ev-Desjatoskij and Pankratov at Leningrad Oriental Faculty, graduated 1956. Field experience from Buryatia. Kand. filol. nauk 1962. From 1959 taught at Leningrad Oriental Faculty. Interested in Iranian elements in Tibetan Buddhism.…

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KUNST, Arnold

KUNST, Arnold. 23.7.1903 — London ?.12.1981. Polish Indologist in the U.K. After gymnasium in Lwów (L’viv) studies at local university (M.A. 1929 under Stasiak), then at Vienna (Frauwallner) and Warsaw (Schayer). Ph.D. 1934 Warsaw in Indian philosophy. In 1929-32 Assistant Lecturer at Lwów (L’viv). Little before war (1939) moved to…

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