SCHMID, Toni (Antonia)

SCHMID, Toni (Antonia Elisabeth Magdalena). Fischamend near Vienna 25.9.1897 — Uppsala 16.12.1972. Austrian Scholar of Religious History and Tibetan Iconography in Sweden. Swedish citizen 1927. The only child of a wealthy mill-owner, Georg Josef Leander Schmid, and Antonia Maria Lindemmer. School and studies in Vienna, one year (1921) in Sweden.…

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SCHANZ, Hugo. Schöneck, Vogtland 8.11.1834 — Bobenneukirchen, Vogtland 30.1.1892. German Missionary in South India. Son of Sigismund Robert Schanz (d. 1849), a lawyer and mayor. School in Schöneck and 1848-53 in Meissen. From 1853 studies of Theology at Leipzig. Ordained in 1861 in Leipzig and left for India. Worked in…

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SCHAENZLIN (Schänzlin), Gottlieb L.

SCHAENZLIN (Schänzlin), Gottlieb L. Pfullingen near Reutlingen 25.5.1877 — Springfield, Clark, Ohio 27.9.1963. Rev. German Methodist Missionary in India, then in the U.S.A. Son of Johann Jakob Schaenzlin. M.A. 1921 Johns Hopkins, in Indology. From 1907 worked in Bengal, from 1914 he was Principal of Collins Institute and Bible Training School…

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SCHAEFFER,  Heinrich August Eduard. Erfurt 27.6.1842 — Trankebar 30.1.1890. Rev. German Missionary in India. After mission school studied theology at Leipzig. In 1864 went to India, worked mainly in Trankebar, finally as Principal of Evangelical Lutheran Central High School. Married 1868 Clara Cordes (1849–1933), 11 children (one son, Martin Schaeffer, became…

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SANDEGREN, Johannes  Teodor Hjalmar. Madurai 20.11.1883 — Uppsala 15.11.1962. Swedish Missionary in South India. Son of Carl Jacob S., a missionary in South India (since 1869), and Theodore Kremmer, daughter of a German missionary. In 1894 sent to Sweden for education, matriculated from Uppsala 1901. In 1906 Cand.theol. Uppsala and…

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SAMMAN, Herbert Frederick

SAMMAN, Herbert Frederick. 1871 — 1940. British Civil Servant in India. Educated in Stratford-on-Avon, studies at Cambridge (Emanuel College). In 1892-1919 served in Bengal. In 1922-35 Lecturer in Bengali at Cambridge. Married 1899 Emily Savage, at least one son. Publications: Wrote on cotton industry of Assam. Sources: Indian Biogr. Dict. 1915,…

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RUNKLE, Catharine Bird

RUNKLE, Catharine Bird. 7.2.1863 — 24.12.1943. U.S. Student of Sanskrit. Daughter of John Daniel Runkle and Catharine Robbins. Studied from 1886 at Harvard Annex for women (now Radcliffe College), learned Sanskrit under Lanman. In 1922 living in Richmond, MA, unmarried. Buried (and possibly died) in Dorchester, co. Suffolk, Mass. Publications: With J.…

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ROUSSEAU, Samuel Kent. London, bapt. 20.9.1763 — London 4.12.1820. British Printer and Oriental Scholar. He is said to be a distant relative of J. J. Rousseau, of the English Huguenot branch of the family, descending from J. J. Rousseau’s great uncle, who had moved to London, but others deny this. Son of…

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ROUSE, George Henry

ROUSE, George Henry. Melton, Suffolk 13.11.1838 — Worthing, Sussex 2.4.1909. Rev. British Baptist Missionary in India. Son of Rolla Rouse and Elizabeth Jane Meadow. Became Baptist when 16. After Stepney College studies at London University. M.A., LL.B., D.D. Missionary in Calcutta in 1861-67, concentrated on Muslim population, returned because of…

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ROTHKIRCH-PANTHEN, Hugo Bernhard Sigismund, Freiherr von. Breslau 22.4.1812 — Breslau 16.3.1868. German Astronomer, also interested in Linguistics. Of Silesian nobility. After Ritterakademie Liegnitz and Elisabet-Gymnasium in Breslau studies at Breslau. Began with law, but also took European and classical languages and mathematics and eventually astronomy. Worked as calculator in Breslau observatory.…

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