SAUNDERS, Kenneth J.

SAUNDERS, Kenneth James. Cape Town 10.1.1882 — 1937 (findagrave knows K.J.S. 1883 – 19.11.1937, buried in Eastbourne, Sussex). British (?) Missionary and Buddhist Scholar in Sri Lanka and India, finally in the U.S.A. Studies at Cambridge (Emmanuel College): B.A. 1905, M.A. 1912. In 1908-12 Vice-Principal of Trinity College in Kandy.…

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SASSETTI, Filippo. Florence 26/28.9.1540 — Goa 3.9.1588. Italian Traveller. Son of a wealthy merchant, he studied at Pisa 1568-73 and thus knew Latin and Greek. In 1578 he went to Spain and Portugal and then 1583 to India as the agent of a Florentine spice syndicate. On way to India…

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SALOMONS (Prooije-S.), Henriette J. W.

SALOMONS (Prooije-S.), Henriette Johanna Wilhelmina. Rotterdam 20.5.1882 — the Hague 23.8.1959. Dutch Indologist. Daughter of Constant Theodoor Salomons, director of a gas factory, and Trinette Maria Kortman. From 1901 studies of Dutch at Leiden (i.a. under Uhlenbeck), with little progress, after B.A. moved to Utrecht and took Sanskrit under Caland.…

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SALISBURY, Edward Elbridge

SALISBURY, Edward Elbridge. Boston, Mass. 6.4.1814 — New Haven, Conn. 5.2.1901. U.S. Indologist and Oriental Scholar. Professor in New Haven. Son of Josiah S. (1781–1826) and Abigail Breese (1780–1866), a learned American family. Educated by his father, then at Boston Latin School. Studies ofGreek and Hebrew atYale, graduated 1832. After…

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SALEMANN, Carl G. (Karl Germanovič Zaleman)

SALEMANN, Carl Hermann (Karl Germanovič Zaleman). Reval (Tallinn) 28.12.1849 (9.1.1850) — Petrograd 30.11.(13.2.)1916. Russian (German of Estonia) Iranian Scholar. Professor in St.Petersburg. Son of Lieutenant Hermann Salemann and Jenny von Böningh. After gymnasium in Tallinn in 1859-67 studied Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Sanskrit at Oriental Faculty, St.Petersburg University. Cand. 1871, Mag.…

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SALDANHA, Mariano José

SALDANHA, Mariano Jose Luis de Gonzaga. Ucassaim (Uskai), Bardez, Goa 21.6.1878 — 1975. Portuguese (Goanese) Indologist. Professor in Lisbon. Educated at Liceu de Nova Goa, studies of medicine and pharmacy at Escola Médica de Goa and Escola Colonial in Lisbon, also studying Indology at university under Dalgado. In 1906 returned…

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SALDANHA, Antonio de

SALDANHA, Antonio de. Mazagão (El Jadida in Morocco) 1598 — Rachol 15.12.1663. S.J. Portuguese Missionary in India. Son of Portuguese father and Italian mother. Came to Goa as soldier, but soon took religion and joined S.J. in 1615. Trained in Salsette Mission he became Rector of St. Ignatius Seminary in…

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SAINT-MARTIN, Antoine-Jean

SAINT-MARTIN, Antoine-Jean. Paris 17.1.1791 — Paris 17.7.1832 (Brosset & S. de S. say 10.7.). French Oriental (mainly Armenian) Scholar. Son of a tradesman, he first planned commercial career, but at Collège des Quatre-Nations learned Persian, Syriac, Turkish and especially Arabic and Armenian and thus became interested in languages and student…

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ŞĂINEANU (Sainéan), Lazar

ŞĂINEANU, Lazăr (Lazare Sainéan, originally Eliezer Schein). Ploieşti 23.4.1859 — Paris 11.5.1934. Romanian Romance Linguist, also interested in IE and Sanskrit. Born in a modest Jewish family, son of Moisi Schein, house painter and amateur artist. Studies at Bucharest under Haşdeu, Georgian, et al., further studies in Paris under Gaston Paris,…

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SADOUS, Alfred de

SADOUS, Alfred Louis Noël de. Paris 1815 — 1892. French Classical Scholar interested in Sanskrit. Probably Burnouf’s student. Agrégé de lettres 1840, dr.-ès-lettres 1847 Paris. Many years teacher (“professor”) at troisième at Lycée de Versailles, finally retired and lived in Sèvres. Married 1890 Elisa Joséphine Petit (b. 1833). Publications: Diss. I…

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