WAGNER, Reinhard

WAGNER, Reinhard. 1??? — 194?. German Specialist of Bengali. Dr. Schoolteacher (Studienrat). As part-time Docent taught Bengali at Seminar für Orientalische Sprachen in Berlin in 1929–44/45.. Died as American war prisoner. Publications: A Bengali grammar in German. – Translated: Bengalische Erzähler. Der Sieg der Seele. 287 p. B. 1927. –…

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WÄLIKANGAS, Eino (until 1906 Buddén). Savonlinna 11.10.1889 — Helsinki 4.3.1960. Finnish Diplomat, former Student of Indology . Son of Emil Johannes Buddén (1855–1931), a teacher, and Johanna Augusta Granit. Matriculated 1907 from Savonlinna school. Studies at Helsinki. Wrote his M.A. thesis in German philology in 1914, but planned a dissertation…

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WADDELL, L. Austine

WADDELL, Lawrence Austine. Cumbernauld, Dumbartonshire 29.5.1854 — 20.9.1938. British (Scottish) Physician and Tibetan Scholar in India. Son of Rev. Thomas Clement Waddell (1813–1880), a teacher and author, and Jean Chapman. Studied medicine and chemistry at Glasgow University, graduated in 1878 and worked two years as surgeon in Gasgow. In 1880…

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WACKERNAGEL, Jacob (Jakob). Basel 11.12.1853 — Basel 22.5.1938. Swiss IE Linguist, Greek and Sanskrit Scholar. Professor in Göttingen and Basel. Son of Wilhelm W. (1806–1868), a Germanist and poet, and Maria Salome Sarasin (1816–1894), brother of the Germanist Rudolf W. (1855–1928). Godson of Jacob Grimm. Studies of Greek at Basel,…

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WAALS, Henrik Gerardus van der

WAALS, Henrik Gerardus van der. Leiden 29.11.18?? — Laren, North Holland 1.8.1931. Dutch Schoolteacher interested in Indology, Translator of Indian classics into Dutch. Son of carpenter Jacobus van der Waals (1812–1898) and Elisabeth van den Burg (1816–1896). Schoolteacher of French in Amsterdam. Publications: Translated: Pañcatantra, arische levenswijsheid uit het oude…

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RYLANDS, Cyril Alexander

RYLANDS, Cyril Alexander. 18?? — 197?. British Indologist. In the early 1920s studied at Cambridge (B.A. & M.A.). From the 1930s Lecturer in Sanskrit at S.O.A.S. in London, retired 1961 as Senior lecturer. In 1976 living in Lewes, Sussex. Many thanks were given to him for teaching and help, but…

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RYDER, Arthur W.

RYDER, Arthur William. Oberlin, Ohio 8.3.1877 — Berkeley 21.3.1938. U.S. Indologist. Professor in Berkeley. Son of merchant William Henry Ryder (1842–1918) and Mary Elizabeth Bushnell (1844–1878). Began studies at Ann Arbor, but graduated 1894 from Phillips Academy in Andover, Mass., then studies at Harvard (A.B. 1897, under Lanman) and in…

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RUTGERS, Antonie

RUTGERS, Antonie. Groningen 8.3.1805 — the Hague 18.10.1884. Dutch Oriental Scholar and Reformed Theologian interested in Sanskrit. Professor in Leiden. Son of Rev. Johannes Rutgers and Eva Justina Brugmans. School and studies at Groningen: cand.litt. 1823, cand.theol. 1825, dr.theol. 1830. Also studies under Hamaker at Leiden. From 1829 pastor in…

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RUPP, Joseph

RUPP, Joseph. Hamberg near Priem 14.3.1822 — Freising 24.9.1894. German Roman Catholic Priest and Schoolteacher interested in Indology. Studies of theology at Freising High School and Munich University. Ordained priest in 1845. Worked several years as priest in Upper Bavaria, from 1850 taught at Gymnasium in Freising (1858 as gymnasium…

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RUNDALL, Frank Montagu

RUNDALL, Frank Montagu (“Montie”). Madras 18.5.1851 — Tynemouth, Northumberland 25.4.1930. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of General Francis Hornblow R. (1823–1908), an irrigation engineer in India, and Fanny Ada Seton Burn. “Educated at Marlborough; joined the Berkshire regt., and Indian Staff Corps. Served in Upper Burma on Staff of…

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