FLEET, John Faithfull

FLEET, John Faithfull. Royston (Chiswick) 1.5.1847 — London 21.2.1917. British Indologist (Epigraphist and Historian). Son of John George Fleet, a wholesale sugar dealer, and Esther Faithful, educated at Merchant Taylor’s School in London. In 1865 he passed the I.C.S. examination and began studies at University College in London, including Sanskrit…

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FILLIOZAT, Jean. Paris 4.11.1906 — Paris 27.10.1982. French Indologist. Professor in Paris. Son of a physician, educated in Paris (Lycée Henri IV and Louis le Grand). After studies of medicine in Paris (Dr. med. 1930) he practised as ophthalmologist until 1947. But he became early interested in India and studied…

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FICK, Richard

FICK, Richard Friedrich. Schwartau near Lübeck 7.2.1867 — Göttingen 18.12. 1944. German Indologist. Son of merchant Adolf Fick and Maria Loewe, went to school in Lübeck and from 1883 in Kiel, matriculated in 1885. Studies of German, English, philosophy and especially Indology (under Pischel and Jacobi) at Kiel. Ph.D. 1888…

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FENIGER, Siegmund

FENIGER, Siegmund (Nyānaponika Mahāthera). Hanau 29.7.1901 — Forest Hermitage, Kandy 19.10.1994. German Bauddha and Buddhist scholar in Sri Lanka. Born in Hessen in a merchant family and had Jewish education. Lived then in Oberschlesien working in a bookshop. In 1922 the family moved to Berlin, where he became acquainted with…

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FÉER, Léon

FÉER, Henri Léon. Rouen 22.11.1830 — Paris 10.3.1902. French Indologist and Buddhist Scholar. Librarian in Paris. Probably son of Paul Féer (1792–1847) and Jeanne Marie Labauche (Wikitree on Isabelle Féer mentions him as her uncle, but the same on Paul Féer does not list him among his children). Educated in…

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FAUSBØLL, Michael Viggo

FAUSBØLL, Michael Viggo. Hove near Lemvig 22.9.1821 — Charlottenlund near Copenhagen 3.6.1908. Danish Indologist. Professor in Copenhagen. Son of Rev. Christian Nissen F. (1779–1840) and Dorothea Appolone Haksen. Educated in Aarhus, matriculated 1838. Studied at Copenhagen philosophy, aesthetics and theology, with the only intention of securing a living, as he…

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ERGARDT, Jan. 1936 — 23.12.1992. Swedish Scholar of Comparative Religion, especially Buddhism. Ph.D. 1970 Lund. He taught at Lund University and died after long illness. He applied his knowledge of modern psychology to interpretation of Buddhism. Publications: Diss. Buddhismen i Västerlandet: Undersökning av engelsk buddhism under 1900-talet‬. 538 p. Lund…

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ELWELL, Levi Henry. Northampton, Mass. 22.3.1854 — Amherst, Mass. 27.12.1916. U.S. Indologist and Classical scholar. Son of the elder Levi Henry E. (1820–1866) and Harriet Adeline Ross. Educated at Amherst College (B.A. 1875; M.A. 1878), and 1876-77 at Yale. In 1875-76 schoolteacher in New York state, then at Amherst College:…

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DUTOIT, Julius

DUTOIT, Julius Franz Gustav. Darmstadt 13.3.1872 — Munich 17.6.1958. German Indologist (Pāli Scholar). Son of a teacher of modern languages. Matriculated from the Gymnasium of Darmstadt in 1890. In 1890-93 studied classical philology at Munich, Giessen, and again Munich (also Indology under E. Kuhn). As student became Roman Catholic. Ph.D.…

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DUROISELLE, Charles. Paris 25.6.1871 — Paris 7.4.1951. French Archaeologist and Pāli Scholar in Burma. Son of François Victor D., a designer, and Clara Lorichon. From 1903 correspondant of É.F.E.O. In 1909 Honorary Keeper of Manuscripts in Bernard Free Library, Rangoon. Superintendent of the Archaeological Survey of Burma from 1912 or…

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