THOMMEN, Eduard. Basel 3.1.1880 — Basel 25.7.1961. Swiss Botanist, former Student of Indology. Studied at Basel (Wackernagel), already then also interested in botany. Ph.D. 1903 Göttingen (Wackernagel). Worked as stenograph in Switzerland, in retirement (1943) concentrated on botanical field survey. Knew many languages. Publications: Diss. Die Wortstellung im nachvedischen Altindischen…

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THOMAS, Frederick William

THOMAS, Frederick William. Wilnecote, Tamworth, Staffordshire 21.3.1867 — Branburg, Oxfordshire 6.5.1956. British Indologist. Professor in Oxford. Son of coal mine clerk Frederick Thomas (1834–1890) and Frances Blayney, educated at King Edward’s School in Birmigham. Studied at Cambridge classics and Indology (under Cowell), graduated B.A. 1885. From 1892 Fellow of Trinity…

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TESSITORI, Luigi Pio. Udine 13.12.1887 — Bikaner 22.11.1919. Italian Indologist in India. Son of Guido T., a worker, and Luigia Rosa Venier Romano. Studied Indology at Florece under Pavolini, graduated 1910 with a diss. on the Rāmcarit Mānas. On recommendation of Grierson he was employed by British Indian government in…

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PRINTZ, Wilhelm

PRINTZ, Wilhelm Georg-Friedrich Jakob. Karlsruhe 9.8.1887 — Halle 23.2.1941. German Indologist. Librarian in Halle. Son of merchant Wilhelm Printz and Margarete Jung. After school in Karlsruhe and Mannheim started 1905 study of modern languages at Leipzig, but soon moved to Indology (Windisch). In 1907 continued under Kielhorn at Göttingen, then…

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PRINSEP, James. London 20/29.8.1799 — London 22.4.1840. British Civil Servant, Numismatist and Epigraphist in India. Son of John Prinsep (1746–1830), an industrialist and politician who had been in India as soldier in 1771-88, and Sophia Elizabeth Auriol (1760–1850), brother of —> Henry Thoby Prinsep (1792–1878). He studied chemistry and was…

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PISCHEL, Richard

PISCHEL, Richard. Breslau 18.1.1849 — Madras 26.12.1908. German Indologist. Professor in Kiel, Halle and Berlin. Son of Ernst Gottfried Pischel, a manufacturer of surgical instruments, and Emilie Haertel (d. 1857). After school in Breslau studied Sanskrit (under Stenzler) and classical philology at Breslau. Ph.D. 1870 Breslau. After war service further…

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PETERSEN, Walter. 1881 — 3.10.1939 (when 58). U.S. IE and Classical Scholar. Professor in Gainesville and Chicago. Son of German (?) immigrants, studies in Germany. A.M. Ph.D. Yale. In 1908/18 Professor of Greek and Latin at Bethany College in Lindsborg, Kansas. From 19?? Assistant Professor of Ancient Languages (teaching Latin…

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NORRIS, Edwin. Taunton, Somerset 24.10.1795 — Brompton, London 10.12.1872. British Oriental and Celtic Scholar. Son of a printer. Educated by his uncle Henry Norris, himself uncle of —> J. Dowson. As young he spent six years in France and Italy as tutor in an English family and, in addition to…

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NOBLE, Peter S.

NOBLE, Peter Scott. 17.10.1899 — 12.5.1987. Sir. British Classical Scholar with interest in Indology. Educated in Aberdeen (Fraserburgh Academy). Studies of Classics at Aberdeen (1917-19 in army) and Cambridge (St.John’s College), soon also Sanskrit under E. J. Rapson and comparative linguistics under P. Giles. B.A. 1923, M.A. In 1926-30 Lecturer…

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NITTI-DOLCI, Luigia. Naples 31.7.1903 — Paris 1.1.1939. Italo-French Indologist in Paris. Daughter of Francesco Saverio Nitti (1868–1953), a politician holding important positions in pre-fascist Italy (Prime Minister 1919-20), and Antonia Persico. Educated in Naples (school and university, studied classics). In 1923 the family escaped the fascists to Geneva. Herself she…

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