HAAS, Ernst

HAAS, Ernst Anton Max. Coburg 18.4.1835 — London 3.7.1882. German Indologist in London. Son of Friedrich Haas. After school in Coburg studies of Germanic and Romance philology at Berlin and Bonn. Through comparative linguistics he became interested in Sanskrit and went to Tübingen to study under Roth, then also Weber’s…

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GUÉRINOT, Armand Albert. Messon (Aube) 25.11.1872 — 1940?. French Indologist. Studied under Regnaud at Lyon, Ph.D. there 1900. Apparently also dr.med. Further studies at Bonn under Jacobi. In 1909 he was “correcteur pour la typographie orientale” in Imprimérie nationale, in 1924 no longer a member of Société asiatique. Mainly a…

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GRUBE, Elimar

GRUBE, Elimar Max. Maxheim near Königsberg (now Maszewy in Poland) 31.12.1851 — Dresden 23.5.1891. German Student of Indology. Son of Julius Alexander Grube, an estate owner, and Emilie Schafer, nephew of zoologist Eduard Grube (1812–1880). School in Königsberg, in 1860 the family moved to Breslau and he went to gymnasium…

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GROHMANN, Joseph Virgil. Hainspach/Haňšpach (Bez. Schluckenau, now Šluknov in Czech) 12.12.1831 — Prague 12.10.1919. Bohemian Teacher interested in Philology. Studies of philology at Prague (i.al. under G. Curtius and Schleicher), Ph.D. there 1857. In 1856-63 Professor at Prager Handelsakademie, from 1866 Director of Leitmeritzer Oberrealschule in Litoměřice. From 1869 Referent…

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GRILL, Julius

GRILL, Julius Friedrich Ludwig (1903 von Grill). Gaildorf am Kocher, Württemberg 10.4.1840 — Tübingen 10.9.1930. German Indologist and Lutheran Theologian. Professor of Theology in Tübingen. After Seminary in Urach studies of theology at Heidelberg and Tübingen, also Indology under Roth. From 1862 Vicar in Wildbad, then in Paffenhofer, 1867 Repetent in…

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GRIFFITH, Ralph Thomas Hotchkin. Corsley, Wiltshire 25.5.1826 — Kotagiri, Tamil Nadu 7.11.1906. British Teacher and Translator of Sanskrit Literature. More than fifty years in India, 1853-1906. Son of Rev. Robert Clavey Gr. (d. 1844), Rector of Corsley, and Mary Hotchkin, educated in Westminster, then studies at Uppingham and from 1843…

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GRASSMANN, Hermann Günther. Stettin 15.4.1809 — Stettin 26.9.1877. German Indologist and Mathematician. Schoolteacher in Stettin. Son of Justus Günter Gr. a teacher of mathematics, and Johanne Fredericke Louise Medenwaldt, educated in Stettin. From 1827 studies of theology at Berlin under Schleiermacher, also philology under Böckh and privately mathematics. In 1830…

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GONDA, Jan. Gouda 14.4.1905 — Utrecht 28.7.1991. Dutch Indologist. Professor in Utrecht. Son of Jan Gonda and Martha Jantina Derksema. After school in Gouda studies of classical, soon also Old Indian, Iranian and Indonesian philology in 1923-31 at Utrecht and Leiden under Caland, van Hamel, Juynboll, Vollgraff, et al. Ph.D.…

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GOLDSTÜCKER, Theodor. Königsberg 18.1.1821 — London 6.3.1872. German Indologist in the U.K. Professor in London. Born in a Jewish family, school in Königsberg, began studies of philology there in 1836 under P. von Bohlen et al. In 1838 came to Bonn to study under von Schlegel, Lassen and Freytag (Semitics).…

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GOLDSCHMIDT, Siegfried Samson. Kassel 29.10.1844 — Strassburg 31.1.1884. German Indologist. Professor in Strassburg. Born in a Jewish family, son of Philipp Samson G. (1807–1846), a banker, and Minna Hertz (1817–1886), perhaps related (but not closely) to —> Paul G. After gymnasium in Kassel, studies at Leipzig, Berlin (Weber) and Tübingen…

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