EIDLITZ, Walther

EIDLITZ, Walther. Vienna 28.8.1892 — Vaxholm, Uppland, Sweden 28.8.1978. Austrian Author interested in Indian Religion. Son of Sigmund E. and Friederike Weiss, a well-to-do Jewish family. Studies at Technische Hochschule, Vienna, graduated as building engineer. Participated in the WW I and after it started a career as free author. In…

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EHRENFELS, Umar Rolf, Baron von

EHRENFELS, Umar Rolf, Baron von (born as Rolf Werner Leopold von E.). Prague 28.4.1901 — Neckargemünd 7.2.1980. Austrian (Czech) Anthropologist in India and Germany, converted Muslim (originally Catholic). Son of Christian von E. (1859–1932), Professor of Philosophy, and Emma André. In the twenties lived in Berlin trying to make a…

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EGGER, Josef

EGGER, Josef. 18?? — 1???. Austrian Student of IE Linguistics. Ph.D. 1880 Vienna. He was probably teacher first in Graz, then in the 1880s Professor at Franz-Joseph-Gymnasiums in Vienna. He must not be confused (as was done in the N.U.C.) with the Tyrolese historian Josef Eggers (1839–1903), who obtained his Ph.D.…

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DIEZ, Ernst

DIEZ, Ernst. Lölling, Kärnten 27.7.1878 — Vienna 8.7.1962. Austrian Art Historian. Cousin and friend of composer Anton Webern. Studies at Vienna under Strzygowski. Ph.D. 1903 with diss. on late classic / early Christian art. Worked in museums in Vienna and 1908-11 Berlin. In 1912-14 travelled in the Near East, Iran, India,…

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CZERNY, Gerhard

CZERNY, Gerhard. Pettau (Ptuj in Slovenia) 12.4.1904 — 1936?. Austrian/Yugoslavian student of Comparative Religion. Born in Austria (now Slovenian territory), son of a Gerichtsofficial (d. 1908), then German-speaking Yugoslavian citizen. School at Pettau, Ober­gymnasium in Graz, matriculated 1923. Studied Theology (ev.) and Philosophy at Vienna 1923–25, 1925 Theology at Rostock,…

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CLOSS, Alois

CLOSS, Alois. Neumarkt in Steiermark 27.10.1893 — Graz 10.1.1984. Austrian Iranian Scholar. Librarian in Graz. Son of Alois Closs, a court official, and Rosa Halm, elder brother the Germanist August Closs (1898–1990). Educated in Graz, 1911-15 studies of theology at Graz (Dr.theol.), ordained 1916. In 1916-21 minister and teacher of…

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CARTELLIERI, Wilhelm. Eger (in Bohemia, now Cheb) 23.6.1860 — Innsbruck 29.5.1908. Austrian Indologist. Professor in Innsbruck. Son of Paul C. (1807–1881, a noted physician and son of Italian composer in Germany Antonio Casimir C.), and Wilhelmina Kraft. From 1878 studies of Sanskrit at Vienna (soon under Bühler), for a while…

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BRIESS, Erwin Eduard. Olmütz (Olomouc), Moravia 9.5.1886 — 1946. Austrian Student of Indology. Studies of Oriental Philology at Vienna, Ph.D. 1912. Moved soon to Switzerland and lived in Zürich as author and journalist. Apparently became Swiss citizen as he is later called Swiss. Publications: Diss. Das Rta und die Âdityas.…

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BRANDENSTEIN, Wilhelm. Salzburg 23.10.1898 — Graz 1.12.1967. Austrian Indo-Iranian and Indoeuropean Scholar. Professor in Graz. Son of an official, educated in Salzburg. In 1915 as a voluntary to the army, 1918 disbanded as lieutenant. From 1918 studied at Innsbruck classical philology (under Kalinka & Jüthner), IE (Walde, Reichelt), philosophy (F.…

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BOLLER, Johann Anton. Krems an der Donau 2.1.1811 — Vienna 19.1.1869. Austrian Linguist interested in Sanskrit. Professor in Vienna. Studied first medicine, but turned soon to philology, but never completed his Ph.D. Learned Sanskrit from books. From 1845 PD in Sanskrit at Vienna and from 1848 correspondant member of Austrian…

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