GEIGER, Alfred

GEIGER, Alfred. 1??? — 19??. Ph.D. 1934, student of philosopher Othmar Spann at Vienna. In his diss. he took very favourable view of the caste system, following his teacher’s preference for strong leadership and hierarchical structure. Publications: Rev. diss. Die indoarische Gesellschaftsordnung. 16+223 p. Tübingen 1935. Sources: Nothing found about…

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WELLESZ, Emmy (née Emilia Franziska Stross) .Vienna 8.1.1889 — Vienna 13.6.1987. Austrian Art Historian. Daughter of Ludwig Stross, a cloth dealer, and Vilma Propper, a Jewish family. From 1907 studied art history at Vienna. Married 1908 Egon Wellesz (1885–1974), a composer and musicologist. The birth of two daughters (1909, 1912) interrupted…

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TOMASCHEK, Wilhelm (Vilém Tomášek). Olmütz, Moravia (now Olomouc in Czech) 26.5.1841 — Vienna 9.9.1901. Austrian (Czech) Geographer, Classical  and Oriental Scholar. Son of gymnasium teacher Johann Adolf T. (d. 1849), a German family with Czech name. Gymnasium in Vienna. Studies of classical philology, linguistics, history and geography at Vienna 1860-64, then…

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STAUDE, Wilhelm

STAUDE, Wilhelm. Vienna 1904 — Vienna ?.3.1977. Austrian Art Historian and Anthropologist in France. Son of a merchant, lost early his father. Studies of Oriental Art History at Vienna, Leipzig and Munich. Ph.D. 1935 Munich. From 1932 stayed mainly in Paris. During the war in concentration camp as his mother…

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SPENEDER, Leopold. 1901? — 19??. Austrian Art Historian. Ph.D. 1927 Vienna (under Strzygowski). From 1932 Universitätsassistent of art history at Vienna (still there 1941). Still active as art historian in 1946. Publications: Diss. Vorderindische Sakralbautypen. Manuscript 1927. – “Gopuram und Westturm”, Fs. J. Stryzogowski 1932, 152-155. – Writings on Western art and architecture (1929,…

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SCHMID, Toni (Antonia)

SCHMID, Toni (Antonia Elisabeth Magdalena). Fischamend near Vienna 25.9.1897 — Uppsala 16.12.1972. Austrian Scholar of Religious History and Tibetan Iconography in Sweden. Swedish citizen 1927. The only child of a wealthy mill-owner, Georg Josef Leander Schmid, and Antonia Maria Lindemmer. School and studies in Vienna, one year (1921) in Sweden.…

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PENKA, Karl. Müglitz, Moravia (now Mohelnice, Czech) 26.10.1847 — Vienna 10.2.1912. Austrian Anthropologist, Linguist and Aryan Enthusiast. Educated Vienna, studies of anthropology and comparative linguistics. In 1873-1906 schoolteacher (professor) at Maximiliansgymnasium in Vienna. He connected linguistics with ethnology equating language groups with supposed human races. Propagated a theory of Scandinavian…

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KALMER, Josef (born Joseph Kalmus). Nehrybka, Galicia (now in Poland) 17.8.1898 — Vienna 9.7.1959. Austrian Poet. Born in a Jewish family, son of Max Kalmus, an estate manager. School in Przemyśl and Czernowitz (Černivci) and from 1915 Vienna, after matriculation served as voluntary in WW I. After war studied law…

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FUCHS, Stephen

FUCHS, Stephen. Bruck an der Mur 30.4.1908 — St.Gabriel, Mödling 17.1.2000. S.V.D. Austrian Missionary and Anthropologist in India. Grew up in Graz, in 1922-27 student at S.V.D.’s mission high school in St. Rupert’s in Bischofshofen. Joined the Society of Divine Word in 1927 and studied theology at St.Augustine near Bonn…

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ESSIGMANN, Alois. Vienna 4.5.1878 — Vienna 3.3.1937. Austrian Author. Son of Adolf E. In 1897 joined the army, but finally had to resign because of hearing defect in 1908. In 1912-17 worked in Austro-Hungarian consulate in Berlin. Then worked as free journalist and author. Married Ida Therese Gesekus, one son.…

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