SPITZER, Moritz (Moshe Shpitzer). Boskowitz, Moravia (then Austria, now Boskovice in Czech) 8.7.1900 — Kfar Saba, Israel 16.11.1982. Jewish Student of Indology in Austria and Germany, later Publisher in Israel. Son of German-speaking Jewish parents, Maximilian Spitzer and his wife Eva, attended Czech gymnasium. After a brief time in Austrian…

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ŠMELHAUS, Stanislav

ŠMELHAUS, Stanislav. Karlín near Prague 17.11.1887 — 19??. Czechoslovakian Student of Indology. Studied at Charles University in Prague under Zubatý, Ph.D. there 1924/25. Probably he is that St. Šm. (Prague 17.11.1887 – Prague 20.9.1959) whom prijmeni.cz mentions as Professor of Odontology and Orientalist. Publications: Diss. O původu jazyka Malajálam a…

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SLÁDEČEK, Bohumil. Dobrovice, Central Bohemia 29.11.1883 — Prague 30.12.1965. Czech Teacher and former Student of IE Linguistics. Studied at Charles University in Prague under Zubatý, Ph.D. there 1917/18. Worked as gymnasium professor. Publications: Diss. Posouvání přizvuku při elisi a konsonanisaci přízvučných vokálů v řečtině a indičtině. Prague 1917/18,  summary in Listy…

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ŠEBESTOVÁ, Anna. Turnov 8.2.1892 — 19??. Czech Student of Indology. Studied at Charles University in Prague under Zubatý, Ph.D. there 1918/19. Publications: Diss. Život v Indii podle Katha Sarit-Sagary. Prague 1918/19. Sources: Nothing found.

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SCHIRMEISEN, Karl. Senftenberg, Bohemia (now Žamberk, Czech) 13.12.1868 — Ahrweiler, Germany 11.8.1958. German (of Czech) Scientist (Mineralogist) interested in history and archaeology. Dr. Living in Brno, teacher at German Technical School. Proposed highly speculative theories, apparently often with racist ideas. Married 1897 Marie Haberhauer, three children. Publications: Die Arischen Göttergestalten.…

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SCHERZL, Vincenz (Vikentij Ivanovič Šercl’)

SCHERZL, Vincenz (Vikentij Ivanovič Šercl’, Čeněk Šercl). Beroun, Bohemia (Czech) 28.9.1843 — Ljubljana 4.12.1906. Czech Indologist and IE Scholar in Ukraina and Russia. Professor in Har’kov (Har’kiv) and Odessa. Educated in Prague, in 1861-64 studied law at Prague, but used much time for learning languages. In 1866-67 studies of Chinese,…

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SCHERZL, Richard (Ričard Ivanovič Šercl)

SCHERZL, Richard (Ričard Ivanovič Šercl’). Prague 19.9.1850 — after 1914. Czech Scholar in Ukraina. Younger brother of —> V. I. Scherzl. School and 1868-72 studies of classical philology at Prague, in 1872-74 Slavic at St.Petersburg. Worked as teacher moving to Har’kov (Harkiv), where his brother was living. Completed his degree…

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WINTERNITZ, Moriz. Horn/Nieder-Österreich 23.12.1863 — Prague 9.1. 1937. Austrian Indologist in Czechoslovakia. Professor in Prague. Son of a modest Jewish shop-keeper, Bernhard W. and Theresia Robitschek. Gymnasium in Horn. In 1880-85 studied at Vienna classics and philosophy, soon also Sanskrit (under Bühler). Ph.D. 1886 Vienna. In 1886-91 Assistant to Max…

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TAMASKÓ, István (Štefan Ján Tamaško). Bratislava 16.2.1801 — Bratislava 26.1.1881. Hungarian (Slovak by birth) Schoolteacher interested in Sanskrit. Studied 1822-23 Protestant theology in Vienna, in 1828-30 further studies at Göttingen, now learned Sanskrit and Arabic from Ewald. Professor at the German-language Lutheran Lycaeum in Pozsony (Bratislava, Slovakia) from 1833 until his…

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PRZIKRIL (PŘIKRYL), Karel. Prague 7.12.1718 — Hradec (?) 8.1.1785. S.J. Czech Jesuit Scholar in India. He joined the S.J. in 1734 and was sent to India in 1748. After a while as teacher at archiepiscopal seminary in Goa he served as examinator and exhortator. When the S.J. was suppressed in…

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