KOVÁŘ, Emanuel

KOVÁŘ, Emanuel. Vlašim, dt. Benešov 11.1.1861 — Prague 14.7.1898. Czech Linguist and Ethnograph. After gymnasium in Benešov from 1879 studies of modern languages and general linguistics at Prague, habilitation in general linguistics at Prague in 1886. In 1889-90 further studies at Leipzig and Berlin. Married. Publications: O škole mladogrammatické. 42…

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KLÍMA, Otakar

KLÍMA, Otakar. Prague 15.11.1908 — Prague 29.11.1988. Czech Iranian Scholar. Research Director in Prague. After school in Prague, in 1927-32 studies of Slavic, Germanic and Oriental languages at Prague, i.al. under Hrozný, Lesný and Rypka, Ph.D. 1931 (diss. on Old Slavonic). In 1931-53 taught German at secondary schools (Gymnasium). In…

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KAMARYT, František

KAMARYT, František Johannes Nep. Chmelná, dt. Benešov 20.11.1876 — 8.6.1946. Czech Priest and former Student of Indology. Studies at Charles University in Prague under Zubatý, Ph.D. there 1916/17. Turned to religion and became Roman Catholic priest. Publications: Diss. O vlivu řeckého a řimckého dramatu na drama indické až k době…

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HUJER, Oldřich

HUJER, Oldřich. Paceřice, Liberec region 25.11.1880 — Prague 4.6.1942. Czech IE and Slavic Linguist. Professor in Prague. Son of Jan Hujer and Joseph Kovářova. Student of Zubatý at Prague, Ph.D. 1910. Also studied at Leipzig under Leskien. PD 1911 Prague, 1919 ao, Professor and then succeeded Zubatý as the ord.…

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HROZNÝ, Bedřich

HROZNÝ, Bedřich (Friedrich Hr.). Lissa (now Lysá nad Labem) 6.5.1879 — Prague 12.12.1952. Czech Orientalist (Assyriologist and Hittite Scholar), attempted at Decipherment of Indus Script. Professor in Prague. Son of Václav Hr. (d. 1896), a Lutheran priest, and Anna Šimáčková. Educated in Prague and Köln (Kolín), now learnt Hebrew and…

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HEROLD, Erich. Prague 3.1.1928 — Prague 7.12.1988. Czechoslovakian Ethnologist and Indologist. Museum Director in Prague. From 1947 studies of Indology at Prague (under Friš and Lesný), Ph.D. there in 1952/53. In 1957 visited India. He became director of Náprstek Museum, worked there in 1959-70 and now turned to folk art. From 1971…

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JEDLIČKA, Jaromír. Prague 11.10.1869 — Zinnowitz, Usedom 14.8.1901. Czech Student of IE Linguistics. Studies at Charles University in Prague under Zubatý, Ph.D. there 1893/94. Then worked in the university library. Publications: Diss. O zvláštnim případu parallelismu suffixu v jazycích indoevropských. Prague 1893/94. – Collaborated in the Czech encyclopedia Ottův slovník…

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JANÍČEK, Rudolf. Jevíčko, Pardubice region 16.4.1904 — Železný Brod, Liberec region 6.10.1988. Czechoslovakian Teacher interested in Indian thought. School-teacher (professor) in Železný Brod. Publications: Translated Bhagavadgítá neboli Zpěv Vznešeného. 153 p. Železný Brod 1945; Bůh jsi Ty! (Odkaz staroindických upanišad). Železný Brod 1945; Rámah a Sítá. 196 p. Ž. Brod…

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JANÁČEK, Adolf. Prelau (now Přerov, Olomouc region) 11.6.1901 — Prague 17.7.1963. Czechoslovakian Indologist. Ph.D. School-teacher (professor) teaching Czech and German. Publications: “František Čupr a Schopenhauer”, Česká mysl 1/25, 1929, 12-27. – “The Methodical Principle in Yoga according to Patañjali’s Yoga-Sūtras”, ArO 19, 1951, 514-567; “The ‘voluntaristic’ Type of Yoga in…

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JAHN, Karl

JAHN, Karl Emil Oskar. Brünn (now Brno) 26.3.1906 — Utrecht 7.11.1985. Austrian/Czechoslovakian Persian Scholar in the Netherlands. Professor in Leiden. Born of an originally Silesian family, son of Oskar J., an Oberfinanzrat (a high revenue officer). Studies of chemistry at Brno, but after one year moved to Prague, where he…

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