BENDA, Elimar

BENDA, Elimar. Freiburg im Br. 13.8.1890 — 1976. German Librarian. Dr.iur. 1913 Jena. Further studies of comparative linguistics, Germanistics and Sanskrit at Marburg. From c. 1921 Library Assistant Berlin, in 1922 moved to Marburg, in 1926/30 Librarian in Freiburg im Br., in 1940 Bibliotheksrat in Heidelberg. In the Preface of…

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BEISENHERZ, Heinrich. Waldeck Sachsenberg 1.2.1844 — Dobia, Reuss 18.1.1922. German Missionary in India. After school in Leipzig and military service studies of theology at Leipzig. Ordained 1870, arrived at Madras in 1871. Worked briefly in Negapatam, Cuddalore, Porayar and from 1874 in Trankebar. Retired in 1912, lived in Kodaikanal until 1920…

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BEHRSING, Siegfried

BEHRSING, Siegfried. Bremerfeld, near Weissenstein (now Prääma in Estonia) 9.11.(27.10.)1903 — Berlin 5.4.1994. German (originally from Estonia) Sinologist and Buddhist Scholar, in the beginning also an Indologist. Professor in Berlin (East). Born in the then Russian Estonia as a son of teacher (tutor, later Oberlehrer), Arthur B., went to school…

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BAUMGARTEN, Michael. Haseldorf, Holstein 25.3.1812 — Rostock 21.7.1889. German Lutheran Theologian. Son of a farmer, Hinrich B., and Anna Catharina Hauschild. After school in Altona studies at Kiel and Berlin. PD 1839 Kiel. From 1846 Pastor in Schleswig. From 1850 Professor of Theology at Rostock, in the beginning also gave…

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BATSCH, Friedrich

BATSCH, Friedrich. 182? — 1907. Rev. German Lutheran Missionary in India. Ordained 1844 in Berlin and left for India. Worked long for Gossnermission in Purulia, in Chota Nagpur. Retired in 1886. Married, at least one son. Publications: “Language of Dravidian Aborigines. Notes on the Oraon Language”, JASB 35:2 Extra No.,…

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WESTPHAL-HELLBUSCH, Sigrid. Rendsburg 10.6.1915 — Oldenburg 1.2.1984. German Anthropologist. Professor in Berlin. Daughter of engineer (DI) Erwin Hellbusch and Martha Philippi, school in Berlin. From 1935 studied Anthropology, Geography and Psychology at Berlin. Ph.D. 1940. Then worked at Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde 1940-45. PD 1946 Berlin (Humboldt University), in 1951-53 Professor…

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WENDEL, François-Xavier

WENDEL, François-Xavier. 1732? — Lakhnau 20.3.1803. Father. German Jesuit Missionary in India. Very little is known of his life. He arrived in India in 1751. First in Goa and Diu, from 1763 in Lakhnau, later also in Agra, but often ill. For a while he served the Rāja of Bhāratpur.…

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VOLCK, Wilhelm

VOLCK, Johann Christoph Wilhelm. Nürnberg 18.11.1835 — Rostock 29.5.1904. German Oriental Scholar and Theologian in Estonia. Professor at Dorpat (Tartu) and Rostock. Son of a factory owner, Andreas Volck, and Karoline Schürer. In 1853-57 studied philology and theology at Erlangen ( under Spiegel), for a while (1858-59) also at Leipzig.…

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TRAPP, Valentin

TRAPP, Valentin. Munich 19.3.1908 — Munich 30.5.1993. German Student of Indology. Son of an insurance official, matriculated from a Munich gymnasium in 1927. In 1927-28 studied at Munich Sanskrit under Oertel, Scherman and Wüst. In 1928-29 taught German in India, also studying at Santiniketan Sanskrit (V. Bhattacharya, K. M. Sen,…

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SÜTTERLIN, Ludwig. Heidelberg 16.11.1863 — Freiburg i. Br. 3.4.1934. German Linguist. Son of Johann Georg S., a railway official, and Barbara Römmig.  Studies at Heidelberg (Osthoff) and Leipzig. Ph.D. 1887 Heidelberg (diss. on Germanic). In 1888-1913 worked as gymnasium teacher. PD 1890 Heidelberg, from 1896 ao. Professor für Germanistik there. In…

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