WÜST, Walther

WÜST, Walther. Kaiserslautern 7.5.1901 — Munich 21.3.1993. German Indologist and IE Linguist. Professor in Munich. Son of a teacher. From 1920 studies of German, French and Indology at Munich. Ph.D. 1923 Munich. PD 1926 Munich. From 1932 ao. Professor and from 1935 ord. (Oertel’s successor, now for “Arische Kultur- und…

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WÜRTH, Gottlob

WÜRTH, Johann Gottlob. Pleidelsheim bei Ludwigsburg, Württemberg 18.9.1820 — Mangalore2?.12.1869 (soon after Christmas). Rev. German Missionary in South India. Of a modest family, apprenticed to local village surgeon when 14. He turned to religion and from 1840 was trained as missionary in Basel. Joined the Basel Mission and arrived in…

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WOLLHEIM DA FONSECA, Anton Eduard (also known as Wollheim von Secka). Hamburg 12.2.1810 — Berlin 24.10.1884. German Indologist. Born in a Catholic family (?) of Jewish origin as A. E. Wollheim (Wikipedia says he himself adopted catholicism only later), son of merchant Hirsch Jakob Wollheim and Antonie von Secka (Wikipedia)…

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WOLFF, Joseph

WOLFF, Joseph. Weilersbach near Bamberg 1795 — Isle Brewers, Somerset 2.5.1862. Rev. German Priest, Oriental Scholar and Traveller in Central Asia. Born in a Jewish family, his father David Wolff was a rabbi, his mother was Sarah. Educated in Stuttgart and Bamberg. After conversion to Catholic Christianity near Prague in…

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WOLFF, Fritz

WOLFF, Fritz Georg. Berlin 11.11.1880 — Auschwitz after 31.3.1943. German Iranian Scholar. Son of a wealthy merchant, Emanuel Wolff (1850–1901), and Hedwig née Wolff (1860–1935). Educated in Berlin, then studied many languages at Munich, Heidelberg (i.al. Osthoff), Berlin and Giessen. Ph.D. 1905 Giessen, under Bartholomae. Lived some time in Münster,…

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WOHLGEMUTH, Else. Berlin 16.7.1882 — 19??. German Student of Indology and Sinology. Matriculated in 1906 in Berlin. Studied at Berlin, Marburg and Leipzig. Ph.D. 1916 Leipzig (under Windisch). Not to be confused to the actress E.W. (1881–1972). Publications: Diss. Über die chinesische Version von Aśvaghoṣa’s Buddhacarita Fo-so-hsing-tsan. 77 p. Mitteil.…

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WOEPCKE (Woepke), Franz

WOEPCKE (Woepke, Wöpcke), Franz. Dessau 6.5.1826 — Paris 25.3.1864, when 37. German Oriental (Arabic) Scholar and Historian of Mathematics in France. Son of postmaster Ernst Ludwig Wöpcke (1784–1868) and Wilhelmine Chapon (1792–1870), educated in Dessau. From 1843 studies of mathematics at Berlin. Ph.D. 1847 Berlin. Now studied Arabic at Bonn…

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WISSMANN, Friedrich Wilhelm Hans. Berlin 27.2.1899 — Munich 21.12.1966. German IE Linguist. Son of bank clerk Otto Wissmann, gymnasium in Berlin. From 1917 military service, from 1919 studied under Schulze at Berlin. Ph.D. 1930, then worked as Assistant at Berlin. PD 1938 Berlin, in 1939 he moved to Halle, but had…

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WIRTZ, Johannes (Hans) Friedrich Albert. Mülheim am Rhein (near Köln) 22.1.1867 — Ibid. 1942. German Sinologist and former Student of Indology. Son of Wilhelm Wirtz, a merchant, lost his mother in 1870 and father 1885. School in Mülheim, gymnasium 1879-83 in Bonn and 1883-87 in Gütersloh. After one term of…

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WINTER, August

WINTER, August. 1866 — 1???. German Student of Indology. Studied first under Jacobi at Bonn. Ph.D. 1893 Breslau (Hillebrandt). If the second book is by him, he was probably a teacher. Publications: Diss. Çivādityi Saptapadārthi, primvm edidit, prolegomena, interpretationem latinam, explanationes et exempla adiecit. 1. 11+22 p. Lipsiae 1893; in German: “Die Saptapadārthi…

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