HEYMANN, Wilhelm

HEYMANN, Wilhelm. Bremen 12.7.1847 — Bremen 29.3.1911. German Linguist (IE and English). Teacher in Bremen. Son of a cigar manufacturer. Studied first theology, soon languages at Göttingen. Ph.D. 1873 Göttingen. According to D.L.K. he was Gymnasium teacher in Bremen in 1890 and 1900, in 1906 he is mentioned without a…

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HEYDE, Wilhelm

HEYDE, August Wilhelm (born A. W. Heide). 1825 — Herrnhut 27.8.1907. German Missionary. Spent 50 years in Ladakh as Moravian Missionary, in 1853-1898 (?). Originally a plumber, he was sent to East to begin mission in Mongolia, together with Eduars Pagell. In 1855 they arrived at Leh, but were denied…

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HESSLER, Franz. Krombach bei Aschaffenburg 15.10.1799 — Munich 17.6.1890. German Physician and Indologist in Bavaria. Son of a farmer, educated in Aschaffenburg. Began his philological studies at Würzburg, then 1822-27 medicine and philology at Heidelberg, Erlangen and Würzburg. Ph.D. (dr. phil.) 1827 Würzburg. From 1828 Assistant Physician in Würzburg, 1830…

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HERZFELD, Ernst Emil. Celle, Lower Saxony 23.7.1879 — Basel 21.1.1948. German Archaeologist, later in the U.S.A. Professor in Berlin and Princeton. Son of Joseph H., Prussian military doctor, and Margarethe Rosenthal. After gymnasium in Verden and Berlin and one year military service he studied at Technische Hochschule in Berlin-Charlottenburg, 1903…

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HERTEL, Johannes

HERTEL, Johannes. Zwickau 13.3.1872 — Leipzig 27.10.1955. German Indologist. Professor in Leipzig. From 1891 Studies at Leipzig, of classics, German, English, French, and Indology (under Windisch). Ph.D. 1897 Leipzig. Taught modern languages as Oberlehrer at Realgymnasium in Zwickau and Döbeln. From 1919 Windisch’s successor as Professor of Indology at Leipzig.…

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HERRMANN, Albert Ludwig. Hannover 20.1.1886 — Pilsen (Plzen in Czech) 19.4.1945. German Scholar of Historical Geography. Son of school director Konrad H. and Bertha Engelnord. After school in Lingen/Ems studied from 1904 at Göttingen, Ph.D. there 1910 (under H. Wagner). Worked as school-teacher until 1933. From 1923 PD at Berlin,…

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HERMANNS, Matthias

HERMANNS, Matthias. Köln-Niehl 31.5.1899 — St.Augustin bei Bonn 5.1.1972. Father, S.V.D. German Missionary, Ethnologist and Tibetan Scholar. A Roman Catholic priest. Educated in 1914-17 and 1919-21 in the Netherlands, in 1917-18 trained as a pilot in Lübeck. Entered then the Society of Divine Word (S.V.D.) and studied at seminary in…

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HERMANN, Eduard. Coburg 19.12.1869 — Göttingen 14.2.1950. German IE scholar. Professor in Göttingen. Son of Ernst H., a Rentkommissar, and Augusta Marie Conrad. Studied classical philology and IE linguistics at Jena, Freiburg and Leipzig. Ph.D. 1894 Jena, under Delbrück. Teacher in Coburg, from 1903 in Bergedorf near Hamburg. From 1913…

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HERDER, Johann Gottfried

HERDER, Johann Gottfried (1802 von). Mohrungen, Ostpreussen (now Morąg in Poland) 25.8.1744 — Weimar 18.12.1803. Famous German Author, Philosopher and Scholar. Son of Gottfried H., a modest precentor and teacher, and Anna Peltz. After Pietist education studied theology at Königsberg, where Kant and Hamann inspired his thinking. In 1764-69 teacher…

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HERBIG, Gustav

HERBIG, Gustav. Kaiserslautern 3.6.1868 — Munich 1.10.1925. German IE Linguist and Etruscologist. Professor in Rostock and Munich. Son of Johann Heinrich H., a tradesman, and Johanna Gelbert. School in Munich, studies at Munich and Leipzig, Ph.D. 1895 Munich. From 1893 employed in Bavarian libraries, in 1899-1913 Librarian (Bibliothekar) in Hof-…

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