HARTOG, Hans. 19?? — 1995. German Scholar of Religion. Started studies at Munich (Wüst). Ph.D. 1939 Marburg (Heiler). He was Assistant of Wüst, but eventually left him as Wüst as a Nazi did not appreciate his ideas about sin. Instead, he went to Marburg and turned to theology. Married, son-in-law…

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HAPPEL, Julius

HAPPEL, Julius. 1843 — 1912. German Theologian. Lutheran priest in Bützow, 1884 moved to Heubach. He wrote about religions in order to show the superiority of Christianity. Publications: Die Anlage des Menschen zur Religion, vom gegenwärtigen Standpunkten der Völkerkunde aus. Haarlem 1877; other books on religion. – Die altchinesische Reichsreligion vom Standpunkte…

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HAENISCH, Erich. Berlin 27.8.1880 — Stuttgart 21.12.1966. German Sinologist and Mongolist. Professor. Son of an attorney, educated in Berlin. In 1899-1903 studied Chinese, Mongolian and Manchu at Berlin (W. Grube, also listened to Pischel and J. Oppert), Ph.D. 1904. In 1904-11 in China, teaching at military schools in Wuchang and…

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GERMANN, Wilhelm

GERMANN, Wilhelm Ferdinand. Gardelegen, Sachsen-Anhalt 3.4.1840 — Meiningen 7.2.1902. German Missionary in India. Worked in Tamilnadu. Studied theology at Erlangen, in 1864 joined the Lutheran Leipzig Mission. Ordained priest in 1865 and left for Madras. Returning in 1867 he became minister in Meiningen, from 1886 church councilor and superintendent in…

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GEHRICH, Georg. Northeim, Niedersachsen 1867 — 1920. German Protestant Priest interested in Oriental Religions. Pastor in Stellichte (Hannover), later (1914) in Goslar. Married Marie Knoke (1870–1947), at least one son. Publications: Translated Cumont’s, Pettazzonis and Tiele’s works into German (1895/1909). – “Zur Frage nach dem Alter des Avesta”, Archiv f. Rel.wiss. 1,…

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FINCKH, Elisabeth

FINCKH, Elisabeth (née Wirth). Würzburg 23.8.1912 — Bremen 23.1.1993.German Physician interested in Tibetan Medicine. Dr.med. Worked as physician in Hamburg. In 1962 studied Tibetan medicine in Dharamsala under Yeshi Donden and others. Married Ulrich Finckh, five children. Publications: Grundlagen tibetischer Heilkunde. Nach dem Buche rGyud bźi. Band 1. 107 p. Uelzen 1975,…

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ETHÉ, C. Hermann

ETHÉ, Carl Hermann. Stralsund 13.2.1844 — Bristol 7.6.1917. German Oriental Scholar in the U.K. Son of a government surveyor, Franz Ethé (a Huguenot) and Mathilde Lappe.. From 1862 studied classics and Oriental languages at Greifswald, 1863 moved to Leipzig (Fleischer). Ph.D. 1865 Leipzig. PD 1868 Munich. From 1872 in Oxford cataloguing…

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CONRAD, Dieter

CONRAD, Dieter. 1932 — 2001. German Scholar of Indian Law. Dr.iur. 1963 Heidelberg (diss. not on South Asia). Senior Research Fellow at South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg, was in Charge of its Department of Law from 1963 until his retirement in 1997. Publications: Diss. publ. Freiheitsrechte und Arbeitsverfassung. 184 p.…

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CLEMEN, Carl Christian. Sommerfeld bei Leipzig 30.3.1865 — Bonn 8.7.1940. German Theologian and Historian of Religion. Professor in Bonn. Son of Oberkirchenrat August Clemen and Helene Voigt, educated at Fürstenschule in Grimma. Studies of theology at Leipzig, Tübingen, Halle and Berlin. PD 1892 Halle. From 1910 ao. Professor of New Testament…

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BUSCHMANN,  Johann Carl Eduard. Magdeburg 14.2.1805 — Berlin 21.4.1880. German Linguist. Son of a craftsman. After school in Magdeburg studies of Arabic, Persian and especially Sanskrit at Berlin (Bopp), then at Göttingen, but never completed Ph.D. Later turned to Malayo-Polynesian and American languages. As tutor in Mexico 1826-28 he learned Nahuatl…

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