GRAUL, Karl Friedrich Leberecht. Wörlitz bei Dessau 6.2.1814 — Erlangen 10.11.1864. German Indologist (Tamil Scholar) and Lutheran Missionary. Son of Gottfried Graul (d. 1824) a weaver, and Louise Haberkorn, educated at gymnasium in Zerbst and Dessau. From 1834 studies of theology at Leipzig, then visited Italy as a tutor in…

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GRASSMANN, Hermann Günther. Stettin 15.4.1809 — Stettin 26.9.1877. German Indologist and Mathematician. Schoolteacher in Stettin. Son of Justus Günter Gr. a teacher of mathematics, and Johanne Fredericke Louise Medenwaldt, educated in Stettin. From 1827 studies of theology at Berlin under Schleiermacher, also philology under Böckh and privately mathematics. In 1830…

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GRASBERGER, Lorenz (Laurentius)

GRASBERGER, Lorenz (Laurentius). Grosshartpennig, Upper Bavaria 9.6.1830 — Würzburg 23.1.1903. German Classical Philologist interested in Sanskrit. Studies of classical philology at Munich. Ph.D. 1856 Munich (diss. on Lucretius). From 1856 worked as schoolteacher in Würzburg. PD 1860 Würzburg (hab.diss. on Elder Pliny). From 1864 ao., 1868 ord. Professor at Würzburg.…

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GRAEFE, Friedrich von

GRAEFE, Christian-Friedrich von (Russian Fëdor Bogdanovič Grefe, Latin Fredericus Graefius). Chemnitz 1.7.1780 — St.Petersburg 12.12.1851. German Linguist in Russia. Son of Johann Gotthelf Graefe, a minister, and his wife Christine Friederike (who died two days after his birth). After Lyceum in Chemnitz studied from 1796 theology and Greek at Leipzig.…

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GOTHEIN, Marie-Louise

GOTHEIN, Marie-Louise (née Schröter). Passenheim, Ostpreussen (now Pasym in Poland) 12.9.1863 — Heidelberg 24.12.1931. German Author interested in India. Daughter of Constantin Schröter, Landesgerichtsrat in Breslau, and Hermine Auguste Leonhardy. In 1885 married with Eberhard Gothein (1853–1923), an economist and cultural historian, who worked as Professor of Nationalökonomie at Technische…

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GOLDSTÜCKER, Theodor. Königsberg 18.1.1821 — London 6.3.1872. German Indologist in the U.K. Professor in London. Born in a Jewish family, school in Königsberg, began studies of philology there in 1836 under P. von Bohlen et al. In 1838 came to Bonn to study under von Schlegel, Lassen and Freytag (Semitics).…

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GOLDSCHMIDT, Siegfried Samson. Kassel 29.10.1844 — Strassburg 31.1.1884. German Indologist. Professor in Strassburg. Born in a Jewish family, son of Philipp Samson G. (1807–1846), a banker, and Minna Hertz (1817–1886), perhaps related (but not closely) to —> Paul G. After gymnasium in Kassel, studies at Leipzig, Berlin (Weber) and Tübingen…

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GOLDSCHMIDT, Paul. Danzig 19.12.1850 — Galle 7.5.1877. German Indologist in Sri Lanka. Findagrave calls him Philip Paul G., but no other source confirms this. Son of a Geheimer Kommerzienrat, perhaps somehow (but not closely) related to —> Siegfried G.1 He matriculated from Danzig 1867. Studies of Indology in 1867-72 (interrupted…

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GÖTZE, Albrecht

GÖTZE, Albrecht Ernst Rudolf. Leipzig 11.1.1897 — Garmisch-Partenkirchen 15.8.1971. German Semitic and IE Scholar in the U.S.A. Born in a Jewish family, the son of the physician Rudolf G. (d. 1920) and Elsa Rommler. Grew up in Darmstadt. From 1915 studies at Munich, Leipzig, Berlin, and Heidelberg, in 1916-19 served…

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GOETZ, Hermann

GOETZ, Hermann. Karlsruhe 17.7.1898 — Heidelberg 8.7.1976. German Art Historian, long time in India. Son of Hermann G. (1848–1901), an artist and director of Badische Landeskunst­schule. Gymnasium in Munich. Studies of art history at Munich. Ph.D. 1923 Munich. In 1926-31 in Berlin, then 1931-36 at Kern Institute in Leiden as…

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