GEISLER, Carl. Eschwege, Kurhessen 18?? — 1???. German Student of IE Linguistics. Ph.D. 1873 Vienna. Publications: Diss. Eine Untersuchung über ‘Sein und Nichtsein’ in den indogermanischen Sprachen. Probably a manuscript, Vienna 1893. Sources:

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GEIGER, Wilhelm

GEIGER, Wilhelm Ludwig. Nürnberg 21.7.1856 — Neubiberg near Munich 2.9. 1943. German Iranian Scholar and Indologist. Professor in Erlangen and Munich. Husband of —> M. Geiger. Son of Johannes Leonhard G. (1820–1894), a Lutheran minister, and Emma Paur (1832–1918). Studied classical philology and Oriental languages at Berlin, Bonn and Erlangen…

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GEIGER, Magdalene

GEIGER, Magdalene (née Grobe). Calbe (an der Saale) 19.6.1877 — 25.1.1960. German Indologist. Wife of —> W. Geiger. Daughter of a flax mill owner, according to custom of the time was sent to a girls’ school in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. In school and at home she learnt classical…

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GARNIER-MOEWES, Katharine von

GARNIER-MOEWES, Katharine von (née Moewes). Berlin 28.4.1863 — Bad Kösen a. d. Saale 23.11.1936. German Student of Indology. Daughter of Carl Moewes, an estate owner, and Luise Neuber. Married in 1882 (Falkenau 2.8.) with Maximilian von Garnier (1844–1882), a lawyer and politician, had a son, Rudolf von G. (1883–1934). As…

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GARBE, Richard

GARBE, Richard Karl (von). Bredow bei Stettin (now Szczecin-Drzełowo) 9.3.1857 — Tübingen 22.9. 1927. German Indologist. Professor in Tübingen. Son of Gustav G., a factory owner, and Eugenie Konopka. In gymnasium in Stettin he had Grassmann among his teachers. Studies at Tübingen, soon switched from law to Sanskrit (Roth). Ph.D.…

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GÄRTCHEN, Adolf Friedrich Hermann Paul. Herrnstadt, Kr. Guhrau, Silesia (now Wąsosz in Poland) 14.10.1881 — 19??. German Student of IE Linguistics. Son of Hermann G., a schoolteacher. Educated in Oela, from 1900 studies at Breslau, under O. Hoffmann, Hillebrandt, et al. Ph.D. 1905 Breslau. Further studies of Germanistics and modern…

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GAEDICKE, Carl. 18?? — 1880?. German Indologist. A student of Delbrück and Cappeller. Ph.D. 1877 Jena (under Delbrück), but said to have died soon after finishing his study for the press. However, Kalliope knows a letter from him to Ad. Kuhn dated 1884. His only work was much praised. Publications:…

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GABELENTZ, Georg von der

GABELENTZ, Hans Georg Conon von der. Poschwitz bei Altenburg (Thüringen) 16.3.1840 — Lemnitz (Thüringen) 11.12.1893. German Sinologist. Son of —> H. C. v. d. G. and Henriette von Linsingen. After gymnasium in Altenburg studied law at Jena (or Halle, also lin­guistics). He worked from 1864 as an assistant judge in Dresden, but also continued…

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GABELENTZ, Hans Conon von der

GABELENTZ, Hans Conon von der. Altenburg (Thüringen) 13.10.1807 — Lemnitz bei Triptis (Thüringen) 3.9.1874. German Linguist. Son of chancellor Leopold v. d. G. (1778–1831) and Marianne von Seebach (1784–1876), of an old Saxonian noble family. Together with the publisher F. A. Brockhaus and two other friends the father invented the game known as…

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GABELENTZ-LINSINGEN, Hans Albert von der. Altenburg (Thüringen) 14.11.1834 — Weimar 5.3.1892. German Naturalist interested in East Asia. Son of —> H. C. v. d. G. and Henriette von Linsingen (1813–1892), added his mother’s name (Linsingen) in 1860. Oberhofmeister. Married 1867 Margaretha Therese Elisabeth von Carlowitz, two sons and one daughter.…

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