CLARKE, Charles Baron

CLARKE, Charles Baron. Andower, Hampshire 17.6.1832 — Kew, Richmond 25.8.1906.British Civil Servant (Teacher) and Botanist in India. Son of Turner Poulter Clarke, a Justice of peace, and Elizabeth Parker. Educated at King’s College School in London. Studies at Trinity and Queens’ Colleges, Cambridge. In 1860 called to the bar from…

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CHENEVIX TRENCH, Charles Godfrey

CHENEVIX TRENCH, Charles Godfrey. 30.12.1877 — 1.9.1964. British (Irish) Civil Servant in India. Son of Colonel Charles Chenevix Tr. and Emily Lefroy. Educated at Loretto School, East Lothian. Studies at Oxford (Lincoln College, B.A.). Served in I.C.S., finally Settlement Commissioner, Mewar State. C.I.E. 1931. Married 1910 Margaret May Blakesley, four…

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CHADWICK, Hector Munro. Thornhill Lees, Yorkshire 22.10.1870 — Cambridge 2.1.1947. British Linguist and Philologist. Professor in Cambridge. Son of Rev. Edward Ch. and Sarah Anne Bates. Educated at Bradford and Wakefield Grammar Schools, from 1889 studies at Cambridge. B.A. 1892, from 1893 Fellow at Clare, 1903-11 also Librarian of the College.…

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CAVE, Henry W.

CAVE, Henry William. Brackley, Northamptonshire 23.2.1854 — Brighton, Sussex 28.10.1913. British Author, Photographer and Publisher. Son of William Cave and Louisa Wilson. Studied at Magdalen College School, and Queen’s College, Oxford (M.A. 188?). Came to Ceylon in 1872 and worked as secretary to Archbishop of Colombo. In 1876 founded a…

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CARPENTER, Mary. Exeter 3.4.1807 — Bristol 14.6.1877. British Philanthropist and Friend of India. Daughter of Dr. Lant C. (d. 1840), unitarian minister, and Anna/Hannah (?) Hooke, aunt of —> Joseph Estlin C. The family moved to Bristol in 1817, she was educated at the school founded by her father, then…

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CAPPER, John. Lambeth, Surrey 29.9.1814 — Fulham, Middlesex 31.3.1898. British Journalist and Writer in Sri Lanka. Son of Benjamin Pitts C. and Maria Margaret Bessell. In 1837 he joined a coffee wholesale business and was sent to Ceylon. He was interested in journalism and in 1840 founded short-lived (to 1842)…

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CAMPBELL, John. 18?? — 1???. British. In 1866-88 (unpaid) Professor of Bengali at King’s College, London. Publications: Nothing found. Sources: With such a common name he is very hard to trace.

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CAMMIADE, Louis Aime

CAMMIADE, Louis Aime François. Madras 2.6.1872 — Worthing, Sussex 3.11.1951. British Civil Servant and lay Archaeologist in India. Son of merchant Gilbert Henry C. and Anne-Marie Sicé. Graduated 1891 and in law from Middle Temple 1901. In 1895 joined I.C.S. in Madras Presidency, from 1903 Deputy Collector of Tinnevely (Tirunelveli). Called…

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BURROWS, Stephen Montagu

BURROWS, Stephen Montagu. Headington, Oxfordshire 26.12.1856 — Oxford 4.3.1935. Sir. British Civil Servant in Sri Lanka. Son of Montagu B., Professor of Naval History, and Mary Anna Whalley-Smythe-Gardiner. Educated at Eton, studies at Exeter College, Oxford. B.A. 1879, M.A. 1884. In 1880 joined Ceylon C.S. Mainly served in judicial and revenue…

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BURKITT, F. Crawford

BURKITT, Francis Crawford. Marylebone, London 3.9.1864 — Cambridge 11.5.1935. British Theologian. Son of Crawford B. Educated at Harrow. Studied first mathematics at Cambridge (Trinity College), B.A. 1886, then turned to theology. M.A. 1890.  In 1903-05 Lecturer in Palaeography, from 1905 Professor of divinity at Cambridge, until shortly before his death. B.D.…

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