GIUSSANI, Carlo. Milano 6.11.1840 — Milano 21.4.1900. Italian Indologist and Classical Scholar. Teacher in Milano. Son of Giovanni G. and Angela Carrera. Learned first Sanskrit and linguistics from Ascoli, then studies at Turin and Pisa. Student of Bardelli, graduated at Pisa in 1864. Further studies at Berlin (Weber), Erlangen (Spiegel)…

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GIORGI, Antonio Agostino

GIORGI, Antonio Agostino (Augustinus Antonius Georgius; baptized Francesco Maria Giorgi). Santo Mauro di Romagna (near Rimini) 10.5.1711 — Rome 4.5.1797. Italian Monk, Theologian, and Orientalist, a Coptic Scholar and Pioneer of Tibetan Studies. Son of Antonio G. and Antonia Semprini. Augustinian monk since 1727, from 1752 librarian of Biblioteca Angelina…

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GIORDANO, Ferruccio Ducrey, conte

GIORDANO, Ferruccio Ducrey, conte. Turin 3.10.1928 — 8.7.1976. Italian Art Historian interested in Indology. Born of a Piemontese noble family, studied in Germany and England. Professionally he was a businessman, who managed the family estate, the Associazione laniera, etc. Several travels to the East made him interested in life, religion…

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GIACOMINO, Claudio. Turin 17.6.1848 — 1923. Italian Teacher and Linguist. Ph.D. Professor ord. of “lettere latine e greche” at R. Liceo M. d’Azeglio in Turin. Earlier probably at R. Liceo Chiabrera in Savona. Publications: “Saggiuoli neoindiani”, Miscellanea Ascoli. Milano 1907, 129-143; review of Osthoff & Brugmann, Morphol. Untersuchungen, RFIC 7,…

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GERINI, Gerolamo Emilio

GERINI, Gerolamo Emilio. Cisano sul Neva (Albenga) 10.3.1860 — Turin 11.10.1913. Italian Officer and South-East Asian Scholar in Thailand. Colonel. Son of Carlo G., Professor of Oenology in Turin, and Veronica Rosso. After Military Academy of Modena he served in Italian army 1879-81. From 1881 twentyfive years in Thailand as…

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GEMINIANUS A SANCTA OCTAVIA (wrongly Gemignanus a Sancto Octavio, Gemignano Da Sant’ Ottavio). Modena 1702? — on sea near Corfu, January 1763. Italian Carmelite Missionary in South India. Joined the Mahe Mission in 1733, in 1733-35 served in Verapoly, 1735-41 in again Mahe. Probably came to Europe in 1741, 1743…

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GEMELLI CARERI (G. CARRERI), Giovanni Francesco. Radicena, Terranova 1651 (1661?) — Naples 25.7.1725. Italian Traveller. Studies at a Jesuit college in Naples. Dr.iuris. Worked as magistrate in Naples and travelled in Europe. In 1693 started a voyage round the world, during which he visited India in 1695. The voyage started…

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GATTI, Stanislao

GATTI, Stanislao. Naples 1820 — Benevento 4.2.1870. Italian Philosopher – one of the Napoletan Hegelians – also interested in Indology. Son of the elder St.G. and Marianna De Nigro. Educated in Naples. Although he knew some Sanskrit, he leaned heavily on German and English translations. Publications: Transl.: Nala e Damaianti.…

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FUMI, Fausto Gherardo

FUMI, Fausto Gherardo. Montepulciano (Toscana) 17.10.1840 — Genoa 1915. Italian Linguist interested in Sanskrit Literature. Studies at Pisa (under Bardelli), Florence and Leipzig. First teacher in Liceo di Reggio-Calabria, then taught at University of Palermo in 1887-90 and from 1890 at Genoa, where he became ord. Professor of “storia comparata…

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FRANZÓ, Gregorio

FRANZÒ, Gregorio. 23.6.1879 — 19??. Italian School-Teacher interested in Indian Thought. Teacher (Professor) of “materie letterarie” at R. Ginnasio superiore in Grosseto (Tuscany). Still active with Greek in 1946, now perhaps in Leghorn. Publications: “Sulle relazioni delle Dottrine del Sâṁkhya coll’ antica filosofia greca fino ad Anassagora”, Annali di lettere…

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