FORMICHI, Carlo. Naples 14.2.1871 — Rome 13.12.1943. Italian Indologist. Professor in Rome. Son of a stockbroker, mother of Greek origin. Studied at Naples law and letters (Indology under Kerbaker), laureatosi in Giurisprudenza 1891, in Lettere 1893. In 1894-95 taught at Ginnasio di Reggio di Calabria. In 1896-97 further studies of…

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FLECHIA, Giovanni

FLECHIA, Giovanni. Piverone (Piemonte) 6.11.1811 — Piverone 3.7.1892. Italian Indologist. Professor in Turin. Son of Carlo F., a physician, and Teresa Mosca. As a young man worked as secretary in a noble family (of conti Balbo) in Turin and attended some courses at University, later also studies in Paris and…

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FERRERO DE GUBERNATIS (y Ventimiglia), Onorio. Turn 21.6.1908 — Lima 1989. Italian Oriental Scholar in Peru, interested in Indian Religion. Born in a noble family. Active Anti-Fascist, moved to Peru in 1942 (or 1948?) with his family. Taught Oriental languages and cultures at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, and…

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FERRARIO, Benigno. Italy 21.9.1887 — 1956. Italian Linguist in Uruguay, interested in Sanskrit. Graduated from I.U.O. in Naples. Emigrated to Uruguay in 1923 and worked as translator for the High Court. Finally Profesor de Lenguas Clásicas y Filosofia at Montevideo University, where he occasionally taught Sanskrit in the 1940s. Publications:…

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FENICIO, Jacobo (Jacome, Finicio). Capua c. 1558 — Cochin 1632. Father, S.J. Italian Missionary, in India 1583-1632, working in Malabar Mission, mainly in Cochin and Calicut (Kochi & Kozhikode). Around 1603/09 he wrote in Portuguese an interesting account of Indian religion, which was used as a manuscript by his successors…

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FEDERICI, Cesare de

FEDERICI, Cesare de (Fedrici). Erbanno (Brescia) c. 1530 — 1600/03. Italian (Venetian) Merchant and Traveller in India. Left Venice in 1567 (Charpentier & Lach 1563, long stay in the Near East), travelled via Aleppo and Basra to Ormuz, by ship to Diu and Goa. From Goa he went by land…

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EVOLA, Giulio (Julius)

EVOLA, Giulio (Julius) Cesare Andrea. Rome 19.5.1889 — Rome 11.6.1974. Italian Lawyer, Poet, Painter, Author, and Rightist Politician and Philosopher interested in Asian Religions. Born in an aristocratic Sicilian family, son of Vincenzo E., a telegraphic mechanic chief, and Concetta Mangiapane. Studied engineering and served in WW I as artillery…

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DONATI, Girolamo

DONATI, Girolamo. Perugia 1857 — 19??. Italian Indologist. Student of De Gubernatis. For a while in Perugia (1885). Then libero docente di sanscrito at R. Istituto di Studi superiori di Firenze, from 1890 in charge of Sanskrit teaching when De Gubernatis moved to Rome. Also conservator of Museo Indiano in…

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DOMENICO DA FANO (Dominicus a Fano,lay Francesco Magnani). 1674 — 1728. Father. Italian Capuchin Missionary, in Tibet in 1706-11and 1716-25, with interval in Europe. He was the Head of the Capuchin Mission in Lhasa, until his death, when he was succeeded by —> Orazio Della Penna. Started the quarrel against…

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DEVOTO, Giacomo

DEVOTO, Giacomo. Genoa 19.7.1897 — Florence 25.12.1974. Italian Linguist (Italic and IE). Professor in Padua and Florence. Son of Luigi D., a physician. Educated in Milano, from 1915 studies at Pavia. In 1916 to army, returned to the university in 1919. 1920 Ph.D. Then further studies at Berlin 1920-21 (under Schulze,…

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