SCHIEFNER, F. Anton (A. A. Šifner)

SCHIEFNER, Franz Anton von (Anton Antonovič Šifner). Reval (Tallinn) 6.(18.)7.1817 — St. Petersburg 4.(16.)11.1879. Russian (German of Estonia) Indologist and Tibetan Scholar. Academician in St.Petersburg. Son of Franz Schiefner (1774–1848), a glass merchant who had moved to Estonia from Bohemia, and Christiane Schneider. After school in Reval began in 1836 studies of…

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SCHERMAN, Lucian Milius. Posen (now Poznań in Poland) 10.10.1864 — Hanson, Mass. 29.5.1946. German Indologist and Anthropologist. Professor in Munich. Husband of —> Christine Scherman. Son of Adolph Scherman (1807–1876), a merchant and land owner, and Johanna Auerbach (1834–1907). After school in Breslau and Posen studies from 1882 at Breslau (Stenzler)…

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SCHEFTELOWITZ, Isidor Isaac. Sandersleben/Anhalt 1.5.1875 — Oxford 17/18.12. 1934. German (Jewish) Indo-Iranian Scholar. Professor and Rabbi in Köln. Son of Benjamin Sch. (1848–1918, a rabbi and teacher) and Jenny Epstein. After school in Königsberg worked in trade, from 1897 studies at Königsberg and Berlin. Ph.D. 1901 Königsberg (under Bezzenberger). Rabbinical…

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SCHAYER, Stanisław

SCHAYER, Stanisław. Sędziszów, Malopolski 8.5.1899 — Otwock near Warsaw 1.12.1941. Polish Indologist. Professor in Warsaw. Son of Antoni and Maria Schayer. From 1916 studies at Warsaw, then soon philosophy and Indology at Heidelberg (under Liebich and Walleser) and Freiburg i.Br. (E. Leumann, Husserl). Ph.D. 1921 Freiburg. Further studies at Munich…

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SCHARPÉ, Adriaan A. M.

SCHARPÉ, Adriaan Alberik Maria. Leuven 29.10.1913 — 7.3.1986. Belgian Indologist. Professor in Gent and Amsterdam. Son of Lodewijk (Louis) Sharp (1869–1935), Professor of German, and Esther Legein (1867–1922). Studies of Classics 1931-37 at Leuven, Ph.D. 1937/38, also studies 1934-39 at Utrecht, Ph.D. 1937 under Gonda. In 1939-42 schoolteacher of classics…

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ŠČERBATSKOJ, Fëdor Ippolitovič (Theodor Scherbatskoy)

ŠČERBATSKOJ, Fëdor Ippolitovič (Theodor Scherbatskoy). Kielce, Poland 19.9.(1.10.)1866 — Borovoe, Kazakhstan 18.3.1942. Russian Indologist, specialist of Buddhist Philosophy. The name is somewhat problematic, but according to Russian colleagues (Vasil’kov) -koj (instead of -kij) seems well attested. Born in the then Russian part of Poland where his father, Ippolit Fëdorovič Šč.…

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SAUNDERS, Virginia

SAUNDERS, Virginia. 18?? — 19??. U.S. Indologist. Living in New York City. Publications: “Portrait Painting as a Dramatic Device in Sanskrit Plays”, JAOS 39, 1919, 299-302; “Some Literary Aspects of the Absence of Tragedy in the Classical Sanskrit Drama”; JAOS 41, 1921, 152-156; “Magic in Sanskrit Drama”, JAOS 45, 1925,…

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SALOMONS (Prooije-S.), Henriette J. W.

SALOMONS (Prooije-S.), Henriette Johanna Wilhelmina. Rotterdam 20.5.1882 — the Hague 23.8.1959. Dutch Indologist. Daughter of Constant Theodoor Salomons, director of a gas factory, and Trinette Maria Kortman. From 1901 studies of Dutch at Leiden (i.a. under Uhlenbeck), with little progress, after B.A. moved to Utrecht and took Sanskrit under Caland.…

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SALISBURY, Edward Elbridge

SALISBURY, Edward Elbridge. Boston, Mass. 6.4.1814 — New Haven, Conn. 5.2.1901. U.S. Indologist and Oriental Scholar. Professor in New Haven. Son of Josiah S. (1781–1826) and Abigail Breese (1780–1866), a learned American family. Educated by his father, then at Boston Latin School. Studies ofGreek and Hebrew atYale, graduated 1832. After…

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SALDANHA, Mariano José

SALDANHA, Mariano Jose Luis de Gonzaga. Ucassaim (Uskai), Bardez, Goa 21.6.1878 — 1975. Portuguese (Goanese) Indologist. Professor in Lisbon. Educated at Liceu de Nova Goa, studies of medicine and pharmacy at Escola Médica de Goa and Escola Colonial in Lisbon, also studying Indology at university under Dalgado. In 1906 returned…

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