SVETOVIDOVA, Irina Anatol’evna

SVETOVIDOVA, Irina Anatol’evna. Leningrad 3.8.1930 — 6.5.1968. Russian Indologist (Bengali scholar). Daughter of an official. Grew up in Leningrad (the family moved there in 1931), during WW II in Udmurtia. Graduated 1955 from Leningrad Oriental Faculty. In 1957-68 naučnyj sotrudnik at Leningrad Oriental Institute, in 1965-68 also taught at Oriental…

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STRATTON, Alfred William

STRATTON, Alfred William. Toronto 25.6.1866 — Gulmarg, Kashmir 23.8.1902 (when 38). Canadian Indologist in India. Graduated in 1887 from the University of Toronto. In 1887-92 taught classics at Hamilton Collegiate Institute. In 1892 began study of Sanskrit and IE at Johns Hopkins (Bloomfield). Fellow at Johns Hopkins 1893, taught Sanskrit…

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SCHWANBECK, Erwin Alexis. Falkenberg/Pommern (now Jastrzębniki in Poland)) 13.11.1821 — Köln 8.1.1850. German Classical Scholar and Indologist. Studied classical philology at Greifswald and from 1840 at Bonn, now also Indology. Worked as Mitredacteur of the Kölnische Zeitung. He published the editio princeps of Megasthenes’ fragments and started to work on…

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STÖNNER, Heinrich

STÖNNER, Albert Heinrich. Bremen 30.5.1872 — 13.12.1931. German Indologist. Educated in Bremen. Studied first two years chemistry at Marburg and one year at Halle, then 5 years Indology at Berlin (Geldner, Weber, Sieg) and in 1901 at Halle (Pischel). Ph.D. 1901 Halle. From 1901 worked in Berlin Museum, concentrating on…

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SCHÜTZ, Carl Wilhelm. Bückeburg, Schaumburg-Lippe 14.4.1805 — Bielefeld 14.9.1892. German Indologist. Ph.D. Son of local pastor, Johann Gottfried Schütz (1769–1848, a friend of Goethe), gymnasium in Bückeburg and Osnabrück. First studiedtheology at Halle from 1823-27. In 1828 visited Copenhagen, met Rask and became interested in Sanskrit. In 1829-34 teacher in…

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SCHUYLER, Montgomery

SCHUYLER, Montgomery (Jr.). Stamford, Conn. 2.9.1877 — New York 1.11.1955. U.S. Diplomat and Indologist. Son of the elder Montgomery Schuyler (1843–1914), a famous diplomat, author and journalist, and Katherine Beeckman Livingston (1842–1914). After Trinity School studied at Columbia University in New York under A. V. Williams Jackson (A.B. 1899, A.M.…

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SUALI, Luigi

SUALI, Luigi. Bologna 29.9.1881 — Pavia 9.3.1957. Italian Indologist. Professor in Pavia. Son of Vincenzo and Genovieffa Zucchini, himself took the name of his grandfather. Studied at Bologna under Pullé, graduated 1903. In 1903-05 further studies under Jacobi at Bonn. PD 1907 Bologna. In 1909-10 Acting Professor at Pavia, then…

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SCHUBRING, Julius Hermann Wolfgang Walther (Walter). Lübeck 10.12.1881 — Hamburg 13.4.1969. German Indologist. Professor in Hamburg. Son of Julius Schubring, a classical scholar and the director of Realgymnasium Katharineum in Lübeck, and Anna Nagel, learnt classical languages at home and Sanskrit as a schoolboy. Matriculated in 1900 from Katharineum and…

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STEVENSON, John. Alton Campsie, Stirlingshire 3.11.1798 — Ladykirk11.8.1858. Rev. British (Scottish) Missionary and Indologist in India. Son of William Stevenson (1772–1810) and Elizabeth Holland (1771–1810), educated at Glasgow and Edinburgh Universities. M.A. 1816 Glasgow. Ordained 1823 and sent by Scottish Missionary Society to their new Bombay Mission. “Missionary at Hurnee…

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SCHROEDER, Leopold von

SCHROEDER, Leopold Alexander von. Dorpat (Tartu) 12.(24.)12.1851 — Vienna 8.2.1920. German (of Estonia) Indologist in Austria. Professor in Vienna. Son of school director Julius von Schroeder (1808–1888) and Leopoldine Marie Schrenck (1817–1895), the 7th child in a large family. Educated in Dorpat (Tartu), as a schoolboy started attending Leo Meyer’s…

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