GRACIAS, Caetano

GRACIAS, Caetano Francisco Xavier. Loutulim, Salcete, India 27.6.1865 — ibid. 15.10.1944. Portuguese Physician, Botanist, and Historian. Son of Joaquim Sebastião do Rosario da Piedade Gr. and Maria Justina Lucia de Santissima Trindade Borges, brother of —> J. B. A. Gracias. Graduated in 1892 from Escola Médico-Cirúrgica de Nova Goa. From…

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GORDON, Charles A.

GORDON, Charles Alexander. 1821 — London 30.9.1899. British Surgeon-General in India. Son of an officer. Studies at Edinburgh and St.Andrews (M.D. 1849). From 1841 Assistant Surgeon in Army Medical Department, served in North India, 1847-48 on West Africa expedition and 1860-61 in China. In 1870-71 in Franco-German war as medical…

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GLEHN, Edmund Theophil de (von)

GLEHN, Edmund Theophil de (von). Reval (Tallinn) 3.1.1800 — Ibid. 20.1.1884. Baltic German Physician interested in India. Son of Peter von Glehn (1751–1823), a merchant, and Mary/Margaretha Elisabeth Clayhills. Worked as Court Medicus for the Czar in St.Petersburg and collaborated with —> R. Lenz. Married Emilie Auguste Rosenbaum (1820–1894),…

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GILCHRIST, John Borthwick

GILCHRIST, John Borthwick (born John Hay G.). Edinburgh 19.6.1759 — Paris 9.1.1841. British (Scottish) Indologist, a Pioneer of Hindi-Urdu Studies. Son of merchant Walter G. and Henrietta Farquharson, lost his father at the age of one. After school in Edinburgh studies of medicine at George Heriot’s Hospital, Edinburgh. Joined the…

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GERARD, James G.

GERARD, James Gilbert. Aberdeen 1795 — Sabathu (Himachal Pradesh) 31.3.1835. British (Scottish) Military Physician and Explorer in India. Son of Gilbert G. (1760–1815), D.D., and Helen Duncan, brother of —> Alexander Gerard and —> Patrick Gerard. Entered Bengal Medical Service in 1814 as assistant surgeon, 1826 surgeon, served in the…

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FICHTNER, Horst. Dresden 3.9.1893 — Berlin 12.5.1961. German Priest, Theologian, physician and Student of History of Medicine, apparently without any linguistic knowledge. Dr. med. 1924 Leipzig. Ph.D. Dr.theol. Taught at Theological Faculty, Berlin. A Nazi. Publications: Diss. an excerpt of 16 p. of the work publ. as Die Medizin im…

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FALCONER, Hugh. Forres, Moray 29.2.1808 — London 31.1.1865. British (Scottish) Physician, Botanist, Palaeontologist, Geologist and Traveller in India. Son of David Falconer and Isabel Mackrae, educated at Forres and Aberdeen University. M.D. 1829 Edinburgh. Joined the E.I.C.’s medical service in Bengal in 1830, succeeded Royle in 1832 as Superintendent of…

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ESSER, A. Albert M.

ESSER, Alexander Albert Maria. Düsseldorf 25.1.1885 — Düsseldorf 4.2.1972. German Physician interested in Sanskrit. Son of Wilhelm E., owner of a brewery. After school in Düsseldorf began law studies at Freiburg i.Br., but soon medicine at Bonn, Berlin, Freiburg and Heidelberg. 1909 Heidelberg. In 1919-61 he was practising ophthalmologist…

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DUPEYTY-TRAHON, Jean-Ferdinand

DUPEYTY-TRAHON, Jean-Ferdinand. Claire-Fontaine (Seine-et-Oise) 30.3.1794 — 1836. French Indologist. Son of an officer, who had served in India under Haidar ‘Ali, became interested in India through his father’s reminiscences. After studies of medicine in Paris became in 1813 the physician of the 150th regiment, but felt unhappy in the army…

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DUKA, Theodor

DUKA, Theodor (Tivadar Duka). Dukafalva (now Dukovce in Slovakia) 22.6.1825 — Bournemouth 5.5.1908. Hungarian Physician in India and the U.K. Son of Francis de D., a landowner, and Johanna de Szeghy. Educated in Sárospatak and Eperjes, studied law at Budapest. Active in the 1848 Hungarian revolution, escaped to Germany and…

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