JUNGMANN, Antonín Jan

JUNGMANN, Antonín Jan (Anton Johann, Ritter von Jungmann). Hudlice, Beroun district, Bohemia 19.5.1775 — Prague 10.4.1854. Czech Physician interested in Sanskrit. Son of a German father, Thomas Simon J., and Czech mother, Kateřina Jungmannová, brother of —> A. J. Jungmann. After school in Prague he was briefly member of the…

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HUNT, Edmund Henderson

HUNT, Edmund Henderson. Kensington, London 23.11.1874 — Farnham, Surrey 15.12.1952. British Physician (Surgeon) in India, interested in Archaeology. Son of John Mortimer Hunt and Eliza Henderson. Studies at Oxford (Balliol College). M.D. Chief medical officer to the Nizam’s State Railway. Conducted excavations and collected porcelain. Returned to the U.K. in…

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HILL, William Charles Osman

HILL, William Charles Osman. 13.7.1901 — 25.1.1975. British Anatomist, Primatologist and Physical Anthropologist. Son of James Osman Hill and Fanny Martin. Educated in Birmingham, studies at Birmingham University (M.D. 1925). From 1925 Lecturer in Zoology at Birmingham, in 1930-45 Professor of Anatomy at the Ceylon Medical College. In 1945-50 Reader…

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HELD, Fritz

HELD, Fritz. Sindelfingen, Württemberg 25.5.1920 — Stuttgart 1.7.1992. German Physician (neurologist and children psychiatrist). After school in Stuttgart began medicine studies at Tübingen, soon interrupted by military service. Dr.med. 1950 Tübingen. Worked then in Institut für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie in Stuttgart. Twice married, four children. Publications: Diss. Buddhas Lehre als…

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HARRIS, Henry. Mountrath, county Laois, Ireland 3.1.1758 — Madras 10.8.1822. British (Irish?) Physician in India. Son of John H. (1715–1776) and Sarah Deaves. M.D. Arrived in 1783 at Madras. Married 1786 in Madras Jane Charles, three sons and two daughters. His dictionary deals with the Dakhanī form of the language.…

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FOSTER, James Murray

FOSTER, James Murray. 1836 (geni.com 4.3.1846) — 1879. British (Scottish) Physician in India. . Son of James F. and Susan Bunker. Med. Dr. In 1875 in Cachar (Assam). He was interested in numismatics, antiquities and botany. No further details found. Publications: “Note on Ghargháon, Asám”, JASB 41:1, 1872, 32-41 (former capital…

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ELMSLIE, William Jackson

ELMSLIE, William Jackson. Aberdeen 29.6.1832 — Gujrat (now Pakistan) 18.11.1872. British Missionary Physician in India. Son of James E., a tradesman, and Barbara Lawrence. School and studies in Aberdeen (no degree), in 1862-64 medical studies at Edinburgh (M.D.). Although himself Presbyterian, in 1864 he joined Church Missionary Society. Worked summers in…

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DRUMMOND, Robert. Kelpie, Fife 27.3.1775 — at sea ?.3.1809. Sir, fifth “Laird of Keltie”. British (Scottish) Surgeon in E.I.C.’s Medical Service. Son of John Dr. (1733–1801) and Euphemia Aytoun. Studies at Edinburgh. M.D. Came to India in 1796, where also his father had served as surgeon, served in Bombay Presidency.…

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DEROMPS, Mathilde

DEROMPS, Mathilde. 1892 — 19??. Belgian Physician. In 1911-14 studied under J. Bloch at E.P.H.E., but also medical studies in Paris (diss. on syphilis 1917). Then left for Iran and became director of a women’s hospital in Teheran, where Bazin-Foucher met her in 1921. Publications: Vingt-cinq récits du mauvais génie, traduits…

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DAVY, John

DAVY, John. Penzance 24.5.1790 — Ambleside, Cumbria 24.1.1868. British Physician and Chemist in Colonial Service. Son of Robert D. (died c. 1795) and Grace Millet. Educated in Helston and Barnstaple. Studies of chemistry in London and medicine at Edinburgh (M.D. 1815). Joined Army Medical Forces and served in Brussels and…

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