RÜDIGER, Johann Christian Christoph

RÜDIGER, Johann Christian Christoph. Burg near Magdeburg 9.5.1751 — 21.10.1822. German Cameralist and Linguist. Background not known. From 1768 studies of law and modern languages at Halle. PD 1777 and from 1791 ao. Professor der Kameralwissenschaften and still 1791 also ord. at Halle. But he was also a linguist. He…

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RÜCKERT, Friedrich

RÜCKERT, Friedrich. Schweinfurt 16.5.1788 — Neusess bei Coburg, Franken 31.1.1866. German Poet, Translator, Oriental Scholar and Indologist. Professor in Erlangen and Berlin. Son of Johann Adam Rückert (1763–1831), a lawyer, and Maria Barbara Schoppach (1766–1835). After gymnasium in Schweinfurt (1802–05) studies of law, languages and literature at Würzburg (1805-09) and…

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ROSEN, Friedrich (diplomat)

ROSEN, Friedrich (Fritz) Felix Balduin. Leipzig 30.8.1856 — Peking 27.11.1935. German Diplomat and Oriental (Persian and Urdu) Scholar. Son of the diplomat Georg Rosen (1820–1891), from Lippe, and Serena Anna Moscheles (1830–1902), nephew of —> Friedrich A. Rosen. The father was also an Arabic and Persian scholar who translated the…

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RIVERO GODOY, Francisco María

RIVERO GODOY, Francisco María (also R. y Godoy). 18?? — 1???. Spanish Diplomat and Sanskrit Scholar. Son of Nicolás María Rivero, a politician and diplomat. Grew up in Málaga, studied law and philosophy at Madrid. Ph.D. 1866 (diss. on Demosthenes). From 1877 the first Professor of Sanskrit at Madrid, but after…

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RIMKA, Albinas

RIMKA, Albinas. Skerpieviai 16.2.1886 — Vilnius 27.2.1944. Lithuanian Politician, Economist, Statistician and Tagore Scholar. Educated in Lankeliskiu, studied economics in Germany (Frankfurt a. M.) and Netherlands. In 1911 emigrated to the U.S.A., where he edited a Lithuanian newspaper until 1917. After brief time in Voronež he returned in 1818 to…

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RAWSON, Joseph Nadin

RAWSON, Joseph Nadin. Hyson Green Radford, Nottinghamshire 8.5.1880 — Calcutta 19.4.1940. British Scholar of Religion. Son of Joseph Rawson (1856–1940) and Elizabeth Ross. Student of Macdonell and Farquhar at Oxford. Professor of History of Religions and Philosophy of Religion at Serampore College (1934 there). Fellow of Calcutta University. Married 1914…

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RAVENSHAW, Edward Cockburn

RAVENSHAW, Edward Cockburn. Mangalore 1804 —?.4.1877. British Civil Servant in India. Son of John Goldsborough R. (1777–1840), later the chairman of E.I.C., and Hannah Bond. In 1820 Prizes in Bengali and Persian from Haileybury, soon entered Indian Civil Service. Apparently served also in the residence of Hyderabad (in 1830 short time…

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RANKE, Kurt. Blankenburg, Harz 14.4.1908 — Stadensen bei Uelzen 6.6.1985. German Germanist and Folklore Scholar interested in IE Linguistics. Professor in Kiel and Göttingen. Son of post inspector Karl Ranke and Ida Ahrens, grew up in Essen. In 1927-31 studies of History, Germanistic and Church History at Bonn, Munich and…

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PIGGOTT, Stuart Ernest. Petersfield, Hampshire 28.5.1910 — 23.9.1996. British Archaeologist. Son of G. H. P. Piggott, a teacher. After Churcher’s College worked from 1927 at Reading Museum, where he learned Neolithic pottery and soon evolved an archaeologist. Excavated several Wessex sites. Formal diplom only 1936 from London Institute of Archaeology…

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PERRY, Edward D.

PERRY, Edward Delavan. Troy, NY 20.12.1854 — New York City 28.3. 1938. U.S. Indologist and Classical Scholar. Professor in New York. Son of Amos Sone Perry and Sarah Hillhouse. Studies of classical philology at Columbia University in New York (A.B. 1875). Further studies under Roth at Tübingen, Ph.D. there 1879.…

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