ROBINSON, Thomas. 1790 — Rochester 17.5.1873. Rev. British Clergyman in India. Son of Rev. Thomas Robinson (1749–1813), lost his mother as infant (1791). Educated at Rugby. Studied at Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A. 1813, M.A. 1816. Ordained priest 1816 and left for India as missionary. Worked at Senoot and Poona (Pune),…

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RICHARDS, Glyn. Rhymney, Wales 6.8.1923 — 7.3.2003. Rev. British (Welsh) Philosopher and Scholar of Religion. Son of Thomas Richards and Rose Jones. Studies at University of Wales (B.A. 1950), Oxford (M.Litt. 1954) and McMaster University (M.A. 1969). Ordained priest 1952. In 1952-68 congregational minister in Swansea, Wales. In 1968-70 Tutor…

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RICE, Carlton C.

RICE, Carlton Cosmo. 1876 — 1945. U.S. Linguist. Studies at University of Texas (A.B. 1897, M.A. 1899) and Harvard (A.M. 1900). Ph.D. 1902 Harvard. Assistant Professor of Romance Languages at University of Oregon 1902-03, Stanford U. 1903-05, University of Iowa 1907-09, Associate Professor at University of Idaho, 1909-11 From 1926…

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PREVEDEN, Francis Ralph. Kamenica, Croatia 1890 — Washington, DC 1959.U.S. Linguist. Born in Croatia, came to the U.S.A. in 1922. Ph.D. 1927 Chicago. Professor of Classics at De Paul University 1926-33 and at Duquesne University 1938-41. In 1942-59 served as a translator for various government agencies. Married. Publications: Mainly wrote on…

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PILÁT, Jan. Prague 12.3.1926 — Prague 9.12.1990. Czech Scholar. Studies of history and philosophy at Prague, Ph.D. 1968. Publications: Mahátma Gándhí. 237 p. Prague 1963, Hungarian transl. 1969; Dobyvatelé, proroci, patrioti – pět indických staletí. 355 p. Prague 1965; Džaváharlál Néhrú. 223 p. Prague 1967; Benjamin Disraeli. 260 p. Prague 1967; Svět doktora Kinga. 245…

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PETRI, Winfried

PETRI, Winfried Wilhelm Eduard Emil. Braunschweig 4..9.1914 — 10/11.4.2000.German Historian of Astronomy. Studied mathematics, physics and Oriental languages and worked in various positions, mainly in Berlin. Ph.D. 1943. He was American war prisoner and then went to Munich. Now studied Sanskrit and Tibetan under H. Hoffmann, a new Ph.D. 1966. PD…

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NALBANDJAN, Georgi Mkrtichi

NALBANDJAN, Georgi Mkrtichi (Russian Georgij Mkrtyčevič N.). Čita 5.1.1926 — Yerevan 5.11.1998. Armenian Iranian Scholar. Son of a worker. Graduated 1951 in Erevan. Kand. filol. nauk 1955, Docent 1961, Dr. 1972, Professor 1973. From 1952 taught at University of Erevan, from 1963 with chair of Oriental philology. Publications: At least 60…

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MYER, Prudence R.

MYER, Prudence R. 21.12.1920 — 27.4.2001. Miss. U.S. Art Historian. Assistant Professor at Mount Holyoke College (1956), Professor of Art at Tulane University (1959/63), Associate Professor of Art at University of California, Santa Barbara (1966). Publications: Articles, e.g. “The Great Temple at Bodh-Gayā”, The Art Bulletin 40, 1958, 277–298; “Stupas and Stupa-Shrines”, Art. As. 24,…

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MUIRHEAD-THOMSON, Robert Charles. Kilmaurs, East Ayrshire 2.5.1914 — 4.10.2000. British Entomologist. Son of Rev. John M.-Th. Educated at Edinburgh and Kelvinside Academies. From 1932 studies of botany and zoology at Glasgow, B.Sc. 1936 in Zoology. D.Sc. 1942. Specializing on mosquito biology worked at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and…

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MARKOVICH (Marković), Miroslav

MARKOVICH (Marković), Miroslav. Belgrad 18.3.1919 — Urbana, Ill. 14.6.2001. Yugoslavian (Serbian?) Classical Scholar in America. Studies at Belgrad, graduated 1941. Participated in war as partisan under Tito, then 1946-54 Lecturer in Classical Philology at Belgrad. In 1953 went to India and worked at Visva-Bharati, in 1954 emigrated to Venezuela. In…

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