EITEL, Ernst

EITEL, Ernst Johann (Ernest John E.). Esslingen am Neckar 13.2.1838 — Adelaide 10.11.1908. German Missionary in China, Sinologist and Buddhist Scholar. Son of a cook, school at Esslingen. Studies at Schönthal Seminary and Tübingen University (Ph.D. 1871). A missionary of the Basel Protestant Mission in China from 1862. As his…

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ECKE, Gustav

ECKE, Emil-Wilhelm-Gustav. Bonn 13.6.1896 — Honolulu 18.12.1971. German Art Historian in China and U.S.A. Son of Gustav Ecke (1855–1920), Professor of Theology. From 1914 studies at Bonn, Berlin and Erlangen. Ph.D. 1922, on European art. In 1923 went to China, taught at several universities there: 1923-28 Amoy University, 1928-33 at…

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DEMIÉVILLE, Paul. Lausanne 13.9.1894 — Paris 23.3.1979. French (born Swiss) Sinologist and Buddhist scholar. Professor in Paris. Son of Paul D. (1855–1947, Professor of Medicine at Lausanne) and Annette Manuel. After gymnasium in Bern studied history of music and Russian at Munich, London, Edinburgh and Paris, dr. degree in Music…

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CONRADY, August. Wiesbaden 28.4.1864 — Leipzig 3/4.6.1925. German Indologist and Sinologist. Professor in Leipzig. Son of the priest and church historian Ludwig C. (1833–1907) and Babette, the daughter of —> P. von Bohlen, nephew of archaeologist Wilhelm C. Educated at Wiesbaden Gymnasium, then studies of Sanskrit, comparative IE and classical…

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CHAVANNES, Emanuel-Édouard. Lyon 5.10.1865 — Paris 29.1.1918. French Sinologist and Buddhist Scholar. Born in a Protestant family, son of Emile Ch. (1836–1909, an engineer) and Blanche Dapples (who died after his birth). Educated in Lausanne, Lyon and Paris (Lycée Louis-le-Grand). In 1885-88 studies at École normale supérieure. Now began Chinese…

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BIČURIN, Iakinf (Hyacinth, originally Nikita Jakovlevič B.)

BIČURIN, Iakinf (Hyacinth, originally Nikita Jakovlevič B.). Akulevo, Tsivil’skij district, Kazan Province 29.8.1777* — St.Petersburg 11.5.1853. Russian (Čuvaš) Monk, Orthodox Priest, Sinologist and Central Asian Scholar. Son of a deacon, graduated from Kazan Ecclesiastical Academy in 1799. Ordained as monk in 1802. Head of the Ninth Spiritual Mission of the…

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BEAL, Samuel

BEAL, Samuel. Devonport 27.11.1825 — Greens Norton, Northamptonshire 20.8.1889. British Priest, Sinologist and Buddhist Scholar. Although a priest, he was no missionary like most Sinologists of his time especially in the U.K. Son of the rev. William B. (d. 1872), a Wesleyan minister. Educated at Kingswood and Devonport schools and…

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BAYER, Theophil (Gottlieb) Siegfrid

BAYER, Theophilus (Gottlieb) Siegfried. Königsberg 5/6.1.1694 — St.Petersburg 10.2.1738. German Orientalist and Historian, from Königsberg, was elected to the Imperial Russian Academy of Sciences and moved to St.Petersburg. In Russian his name is variously spelled as Beer, Beèr, and Bajer’. Son of painter Johann Friedrich Bayer and Anna Katharina Porath,…

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ABEL-RÉMUSAT, Jean-Pierre. Paris 5.9.1788 — Paris 4.6.1832 (or 2.6.). French Sino­logist and Buddhist Scholar. Son of a physician. As an early accident bound him for years to bed and deprived him of one eye, he is said to have sought for compensation in studies and writing and made rapid progress.…

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